Monday, February 13, 2012

Tuesday Forecast, 14 February 2012

Tuesday Forecast, 14 February 2012

~Depths Surfacing~

The moon in Scorpio (Sunday through most of today) has been weird for me. Long-lost thoughts and people in my mind. Questing for the unknown and unknowable. Feeling that death and life are the same. Longing for transcendence but sensing that the autumn and winter are not passed. Listening to some hard rock on the radio which I usually don't listen to. It's from the "dead" past, performed by mostly "dead" musicians, but seems oddly alive, and its bitterness invigorating.

Expect more of that today, at least until the moon enters Sagittarius at 4:57p PT | 7:57p ET | 12:57a(W) UT. The moon is void-of-course until then, beginning earlier at 9:05a PT | 12:05p ET | 5:05p UT. So those eight hours could be, yes, weird.

You have a perfect excuse for a shoddy or casual or naughty Valentine's day gift to your special one. Or wait until the time above to set out in a new direction.

It is good indeed to be careful. You might stumble and fall, more likely metaphorically than literally, so watching your step is wise. However, good things are shaping up under the aegis of Mercury's and the sun's good aspects to both Saturn and Jupiter. There are times when you don't care about that, or believe it, so you feel like retreating, snoozing, taking a solid meditation break. I wish your job would allow that. If it doesn't, you will find a way to live in the inner and outer worlds at once, perhaps slacking off wherever you can until the moon changes signs (paragraph 2).

You don't have to be totally frustrated or inept, but might feel so if you hold on too much to something you need to let go. Things and people change, yet the best you have seen in them remains real and lasting, so you can retain that faith and then stop fretting about the changes, which are hard to encompass at first. True loyalties do not fade while the moon is void-of-course in Scorpio, but they may go into hiding.

Your hopes reach toward the heavens. You feel you have to climb a ladder toward fulfilling them. So you want to learn or study or acquire seasoned experience so you will no longer be speculating about what is valid but will be living in utter validity.

All the internal or inward tendencies, however, need to be channeled also into something outer, where you share your life and work with people. This you are working on, no matter how long it takes or how much re-treading you have to do before it is really working.

During fun-time, you may run into people looking for a fight. No matter what you do you won't please them because they want to tangle with someone. It's their current form of recreation, springing up from somewhere in their subconscious framework, maybe an attempt to say "I don't care if nobody loves me on Valentine's day! It's me against the rest of you!" Of course he or she secretly hopes somebody will be intrigued by this stance.

{Tuesday} ~Depths Surfacing~

Cosmic Piper

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