Thursday, February 9, 2012

Friday Forecast, 10 February 2012

Friday Forecast, 10 February 2012

}Location: This Whirling Sphere{

An ethical drift or trend relies on what has been learned from the past. And wisely too! The absence of classical education in our schools, so that young people do not know Homer, Plato, the Bible, Philo Judaeus, Hegel, and Kierkegaard, is a tragedy and a deep deprivation. Generations of superficial nitwits who know nothing but how to push buttons on machines are coming up. (Since I mentioned philosophers, let me drop the name of J. N. Findlay, whose two-volume book, The Discipline of the Cave and The Transcendence of the Cave is enormously important. Like most things valuable, it has been around for a while but almost no one knows about it. More secret treasure which it is my duty and destiny to point out.)

Self-admiration usually stems from good luck. Whether there is really "luck" is a philosophic question into which I shall not enter. But you will notice people in power positions, and companions, who are filled with self-admiration over the good fortune the cosmos or its Lord has dispensed to them. "Look what I have gained! How great I am!" The Psalms and the book of Job both lament the vanities of this type.

Those who keep saying "Oh, just look through evil and pretend it isn't there" may be preparing their own disintegration by the evils they ignore. This applies in the larger social-political sphere and also in the domain of personal health and hygiene. It is true that giving power to evil is a mistake, but ignoring it is giving it power in another way. Rather, transforming it is required. With that clue you may see what to do.

Kindness at the international level, as well as locally, is an amazing trait of millions of unsung and often unpaid or poorly paid human beings, who are real heroes and heroines, and who, by their acts which preserve some of the world's harmony, ought to be heroes to the military types who would have to fight more wars and make more sacrifices except for the labors and giving of those who hold the world together, such as the International Rescue Fund.

Aristocracy is not a bad thing. It means the rule of the best. We all hope for that (so long as there has to be "rule" at all). Oligarchy is the problem, the rule of the few, and plutocracy, the rule of the wealthy. The wealthy might be aristocrats, good people, or plutocratic oligarchs, just "lucky" ones who serve their own desires and ignore the plight of all others. In the former case, they deserve support and applause, as in some members of the Kennedy family and, to some degree, people like Warren Buffett. We need aristocrats, not oligarchs.

There are others, often country folk either poor or rich, whose smooth alliance with the natural environment accompanies a heart of natural generosity, so that their ruggedness is a boon to neighbors, family, and the world. The good people of the planet need to recognize one another past veils of religious or political belief and life-style maya.

{Friday} {Location: This Whirling Sphere}

Cosmic Piper

P. S. All the thoughts here were suggested by contemplation of the daily astrological chart. Paragraph 1: Mercury and the sun trine Saturn in air signs. Paragraph 2: Venus conjunct Uranus in Aries. Paragraph 4: Neptune newly in Pisces, trine Saturn and sextile Jupiter in Taurus. Last paragraph: the just-mentioned aspects plus Mars retrograde in Virgo. In addition I get help from the clairvoyantly derived symbols for the degrees of the zodiac set forth independently by Charubel (John Thomas), Signor Borelli, and Marc Edmund Jones (with Elsie Wheeler).

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