Monday, February 6, 2012

Forecast for Tuesday 7 February 2012

Tuesday 7 February 2012

*Full Defining Moon*

The practical merges with or blends with the social in a large way on this Full Moon day. You idealize certain people and are willing to put up with a great deal in them which is not up to standard, because you believe they are learning and developing.

You might tackle too much yourself, along lines which are not your forte or in which you have not been trained or or self-trained enough. Then you suffer temporary shipwreck. There is always the Supreme to cling to when things seem harsh, and admonitions from Him to which one can be attentive (the voice of conscience in conventional terms).

There is a surprising amount of stubborn strength in someone you have been sweet on or who has been sweet on you. He or she will not yield to authoritative demands but fights blindly, boldly to hold on to his or her intentions.

You have faith in a great deal which has not yet been fully worked out, and today with the sun and Mercury together, marking the center of this Bright Hermetic Epoch (lasting through the 26th), you might wisely estimate and project exactly what you hope to accomplish in the next few months, for your vision is sharp and clear. What has seemed impossible in the past may yet be possible. A changing scene does not have to indicate a changing focus. Rather, wherever you are you can use skills and perceptions you have developed. Visualizing how this might work out in detail could be useful, and writing it down or drawing pictures.

Accounting and business record-keeping may seem a sore topic and yet you might sense or smell out ways of doing it which are relatively smooth and easy in the couple of months left till tax-time. If you need someone to help, now could be the time to find him or her.

You are sensing prerogatives it is your right to embody. This does not have to be vain if you care about doing it worthily. Your physical and spiritual ancestry is something to bank on consciously as well as subconsciously.

Egotistic people do not realize how offensive they are being, because they give no credence to others' perceptions. If dealing with someone of the sort, you can use what that person is good for, or good at, without getting caught up in bowing to every whim or predilection he or she happens to favor. People often define themselves sharply, and then have a too-hard edge except in the narrow area in which they are in fact supreme.

{Tuesday} *Full Defining Moon*

Cosmic Piper

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