Sunday, February 26, 2012

Forecast: Sunday 26, Monday 27, Tuesday 28 February 2012

Sun in Pisces and Moon in Taurus
Beginning Sunday 26 February at 6:31a PT | 9:31a ET | 2:31p UT
through Monday 27
/moon goes void-of-course Tuesday 28 at 11:47a PT | 2:47p ET | 7:47p UT
until Luna enters Gemini Tuesday at 7:28p PT | 10:28p ET | 3:28a(W) UT

\Through All, Learning and Spiritual Growth/

The Dark Hermetic Epoch has snuck up on us, beginning Monday. Of course, the days in the Northern Hemisphere are getting longer, but by now you must know that by "Dark Epoch" I mean something psychological, in connection with Mercury's cycles. One tends to go into dream-time, that is, the realm of Maya, which is creative but not very practical, more often than in the Bright Epochs. Of course it is a matter of proportion but I think you will see what I mean gradually as this Epoch continues (through April 22, with the peak of it while Mercury will be retrograde from March 12 through April 3).

Yesterday I heard a married couple next door screaming at each other, with the wife threatening to move out and file for divorce. I could only think of Venus opposite Saturn, which began Friday the 24th and continues through March 3 (by ten-degree orb). It is without doubt a difficult aspect. Not only separations and divorces but less dramatic strains in relationships and friendships are to be expected. Of course all depends on how one can respond. Saintliness is required to get through the period unscathed emotionally.

Other meanings of the aspect have to do with the suffering of someone you care for, so that you have to bear with his or her pains or incapacities and emotional deprivations. Again, the only remedy I know is saintliness. For which, I believe, there are no pills.

However, I am happy to say that during this three-day period Venus is quintile Mars, which can be unrelated or related to the previous two paragraphs, that is, it might be some softening of the hard part of a relationship, or else some other or new relationship or friendship which offers promise and some relief.

In other more material, financial or business spheres, the grand trine of Jupiter, Mars and Pluto in earth signs, emphasized by Luna with Jupiter, suggests well-being or satisfying success.

There are warnings against passions getting away with you. That could be the positive passions such as inappropriate appetite or lust, or, when those are frustrated, the negative ones of rage or vindictiveness. This could get even worse, approaching the notoriety of someone who deliberately hurts (such as a terrorist or, more likely one who causes vindictive disruption). This is not to scare you but help you prevent such eventualities.

Patience is required before the full fruits of your labors are realized, but it seems you are well-fortified for such patience, sensing shrewdly how to proceed while waiting, or wait while proceeding. Proceeding with the project, that is, while waiting for results.

Someone at home or in the neighborhood is awakening to her or his potentials through giving of herself or himself in ways which seem mostly appropriate even if sometimes inappropriate.

There can be crudity or a primitive side to people. Generally this is brought under control before it really hurts anyone. For observers it is a lesson in how not to act. One can observe with pity rather than anger.

You may think of, value or treasure someone who lives a life of travel and sacrifice, such as a missionary, able to endure many privations for the sake of his or her ideals. She or he seems protected through most vicissitudes.

Something goes on like refraining from eating or drinking with someone because you feel there is something wrong by which you do not wish to be tarnished. You feel you would be weak if you allowed yourself to drift into any set of associates, and so hold yourself back. Or if you feel someone is doing that to you, shunning you, perhaps there is a spiritual lesson to be learned.

{Sunday Monday Tuesday} /Through All, Learning and Spiritual Growth\

Cosmic Piper

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