Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Over the Rainbow, Infinite Love; Wednesday's Forecast

Probably you are feeling you want to focus and concentrate on your business, your work, your reason for being. If unemployed or retired, this can be a personal project, hobby or volunteer activity. There does not have to be a sense of burden about this, but gladness that you feel you are on the right track.
The time given below for improvements in two categories is when the moon enters Gemini; before that it is only void-of-course a short time, but its last aspect before that is a square with Neptune, good for spiritual contemplation or realization but not usually for business or social affairs.
The hard aspect now is Venus opposing Mars. The ten-degree orb of this is January 25-February 8. It has multiple meanings, all of which I shall not attempt to elucidate, but may give you a clue to the whole schlemiel. It is, yes, disagreement or tension between the sexes, at a basic level, but more than that. Venus is comfort; Mars is challenge. So one person (of either sex) challenges another's comfort, by words, acts or attitudes.
The creative side of it is serious restructuring in order to overcome tensions within oneself. Mars is part of yourself, Venus another. Your Mars wants to be bold, courageous, strong. Your Venus wants to relax and enjoy the "good life." Mars says that life is not good if not manful, challenging, achieving. Venus says, Okay, but don't push me too hard. Life is for fun and pleasure too. And so it goes. Through all this you can arrive at a more understanding reconciliation of these two parts of your nature. For some it will be, for example, a struggle to change diet or other habits.
That may be an oversimplification but it gives a clue. And, by the way, I don't mean to imply that women are lazy; quite the contrary; and in India for millennia the active aspect of Deity has been called the feminine one, Prakriti, Maya, or at higher levels the divine Shakti. This is not exactly Venus, except under her aspect of Mahalakshmi, and so Venus may be called the more passive side of the female gender, the one devoted to beauty, clothing, jewelry, and the like, rather than the active feminine which takes care of children and the household and a job like the Indian goddess with six arms. That aspect of female skill may be, astrologically, both the moon and Saturn. And, beyond all this, females have Mars in their charts and males have Venus.
With the Venus-Mars opposition there can be harshness and unkindness (Mars) plus an extreme sensitiveness to that unkindness (Venus), and so unhappiness and touchiness. What usually would appear a harmless comment or act might seem a mortal insult. The prevailing dissatisfaction can make one highly critical of people, expecting more than they can deliver.
Another facet of this aspect is separation, so that even if there is no obvious argument or disharmony, people drift apart or are forced apart by circumstances. Of course, since the aspect is temporary, the separation may be also.
Back to paragraph 1 for a positive attitude about what can be done today. The rest may help you pass through, and minimize, the emotional stress while forwarding real purposes.
Social life, friendship, enjoyment, personal relationships: C, B*
Work, projects, opportunity, concentration on achievement: A
Negotiations, agreements, business, transactions, purchases: D, B*
Cooperation of circumstances, weather, traffic, conveniences: C
Sheer relaxation and liberating self-exploration: C
Spiritual seeking, worship, prayer, meditation, positive thinking: A
*Beginning at 11:16aPT12:16pMT1:16pCT2:16p ET7:16p UT
E is effete; D is desperate; C is cool; B is bold; A is awesome
Cosmic Piper

Over the Rainbow, Infinite Love

A letter from a reader:
I have been subscribing to your forecasts for several years now, and I find I do not resonate with your new format or your alter ego "sir real". I was raised as a "Christian" and later in my adulthood discovered my own truth about God! Christianity puts a lot of human attributes on God that aren't God at all! Pure and simple God is Love! So, if God is Love then why should I fear God/Love? I appreciate that religion got me to where I AM today, but I AM grateful for a different perception of this Higher Power! I can also understand that this is your path and can accept your need to add some religion and guilt to the Cosmic Piper......I just skip over the alter ego parts. Sir Real......Reality is dependent on Awareness! These are the times to be moving out of 3D and truly experiencing our higher realities and consciousness.
Blessings to you Hugh Howard Higgins! I love and appreciate you!
Thanks for writing, Y. I won't argue with you, except to say that I feel the "New Age" movement is missing the boat by not realizing G*d is larger than themselves. Maybe that does not apply to you. I find that they lack all real humility, all ability to bow down to something greater than themselves, and finally believe there is nothing greater. Which is just egoism, the opposite of spirituality. The Bible is tremendous, enormous, amazing. It is very well worth studying and re-studying no matter what one's beliefs, to aid and refine one's beliefs. And I have to say that no one has transcended the message of Jesus. I understand your statement of a more loving G*d, and that has been around a long time in Christian Science, which I also study, and in cognate movements which were actually the basis of the New Age stuff, which I am afraid has gotten pretty sappy lately. Thus my return to the Bible. Jesus taught an infinitely loving God, for those who have "ears to hear." And I do not apologize for studying the Bible! and shall continue to write about it. The one who humbles himself is the one who is raised up. It has taken me a long time to learn that and I am still learning it . . .
An infinitely loving God loves us enough to make us aware of when we are causing others, or animals, suffering (as all meat-eaters do, considering the horrible tortuous conditions in which "farm," or meat-industry, animals are kept) and so He makes us aware of our "sins" in traditional terminology, our mistakes, the things we are unconsciously doing which make others or animals or the planet suffer. If we are ignoring those messages from conscience, we need to feel more "guilt," not less, in order to correct the situation.
As I have stated often, I am also a student of Sri Aurobindo's teachings, which might accord more smoothly with your own views.
P. S. You might like the writings of Emma Curtis Hopkins, an old-timer who was also, with Mary Baker Eddy, at the base of the New Age teachings but still held on to enough of the message of the Bible to be more profound than the later stuff. Also Charles Fillmore, founder of the Unity movement, who wrote a compendious Metaphysical Bible Dictionary (and was a vegetarian and advocated such a diet). "Reality is dependent on Awareness," yes, I agree, but facing the suffering of others, which is what Christ Jesus is trying to teach me, is also part of awareness . . . in order to heal their suffering, yes, but we need Avatars such as Jesus to enable us to do that. If it weren't for Jesus I would not be writing the forecasts, nor would I even be here physically.
Sir Real

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