Thursday, January 19, 2012

Party Day? Friday 20 January 2012

Friday 20 January 2012

I cannot speak for weather conditions in the world or the nation because I have not been following them on the Weather Channel or anywhere else. But the exact squares of the sun with both Saturn and Jupiter (the former exact on Thursday and close to exact earlier in the week) coincided here in the Pacific Northwest with an unusually severe snowstorm and accompanying cold. This could not have been more in accord with traditional astrological lore handed down for thousands of years, and with what I myself have observed for decades.

I therefore gave the rating-domain called "Cooperation of circumstances, weather, traffic, conveniences" a C rating. It would have been D or E except for mitigating factors. As a matter of fact, C was right even here because the school kids in the Seattle area were delighted to get some days off, as well as some employees of firms which shut down. Circumstances (weather) "cooperated with them" to give them a holiday. The ratings do not necessarily indicate physical circumstances per se so much as human reactions to them, which is what astrology is all about. I did not hear of major accidents or loss of life, for example, because of the weather. I aim to make the D and E days in this category warnings of possibly hazardous, or inconvenient and time-wasting, traffic conditions whether on the road, at airports or elsewhere.

Wherever I have lived, New York, Florida, Colorado, Washington, the weather has tended to follow astrological indications to a surprising degree. This is the reason the Old Farmers' Almanac (the old one written by astrologers who knew what they were doing) was so successful in predicting weather patterns. Meteorologists may have the jump on astrologers when it comes to short-term predictions, but astrologers (good weather astrologers, if there are any these days, of whom I do not claim to be one) have the jump when it comes to long-term projections.

I am guessing that the two squares already mentioned will manifest not as tragedy but as inconvenience, therefore the C ratings for Friday; however . . .

Friday gets the first A rating I have given for social life (since beginning these ratings 8 days ago) so it is a truly TGIF day. Venus's good aspects are reinforced by mostly excellent lunar aspects. Luna's square with Uranus could show irruptions of individuality in annoying ways but hardly enough to mar the good times. No matter the weather, let's have a party.


Social life, friendship, enjoyment, personal relationships: A
Work, projects, concentration on achievement: C
Negotiations, agreements, business, transactions, purchases: A
Cooperation of circumstances, weather, traffic, conveniences: C
Sheer relaxation and liberating self-exploration: C
Spiritual seeking, worship, prayer, meditation, positive thinking: A always

E is effete; D is desperate; C is cool; B is bold; A is awesome

Cosmic Piper

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