Sunday, January 1, 2012

Forecast for Monday 2 January 2012

Monday 2 January 2012

*Inspiration Dissolving Worry*

The "Bright Hermetic Epoch" (which began yesterday and lasts through February 26) may not seem "bright" because it starts off with the moon's weekly hard aspect with Saturn, making Sunday (the 1st) through Tuesday the|difficult or probably most emotionally stressful| third of this week. (A little more than a third this time.) That's just the way it is, as I have observed for decades. In other words, the "issues" you face seem more harsh than they probably will the rest of the week. Hopefully my saying this will help you gain perspective or be calmer, whatever you are going through.

You may be aware of a crafty or predatory quality in some. Yet in yourself, if ethical, it can be a gift for seeing into your self-interest perspicaciously.

There is likely to be surprising erotic or sexual arousal coming from seemingly nowhere, which can be enlisted to give you energy, sublimated, or allowed to pull you into questionable self-indulgence. It can be a gift of enjoying people and the games they play, their bids for applause or popularity.

Disputation, in self-defense or defense of one's opinions, is likely. You are not going to budge on principles you feel to be unquestionable.

You might look for or find something you had lost, or recover something for a friend. Unexpected treasure could turn up, but not of an extravagant sort. People are curious about the natural world and what lies about them. Such curiostiy could extend to the spiritual world, with Neptune playing a strong beneficent role. What to one seems imagination to another is solid superphysical reality.

Cooperating and adapting yourself to what others are doing can be satisfying even if you do it grudgingly at first. Once the momentum starts it can be helpful to all, releasing self-expression.

When there is doubt and delay concerning material affairs, spiritual interests flourish, so turning to inspirational materials could be one of the best things to do. Faith is often born of despair. You might fan a flame of it in someone else also.

{Monday} *Inspiration Dissolving Worry*

Cosmic Piper

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