Sunday, January 29, 2012

Monday Forecast 30 January 2012

Monday Forecast, 30 January 2012

There's a focus on money, resources, finances, and ways of gaining them or making them more secure. This involves conflicts between various methods or options. However, you are well prepared to estimate correctly which options are likely to be more successful, if you take your time and trust your calm judgment.

Another focus is study, research, learning, in ways whcih are fascinating and mind-expanding. You are determined to hold on to a particular course of study (as in a school or on your own) until you have gained all it has to offer at the current time. You don't mind restricting or limiting yourself, in other ways, in order to do this because the quest for knowledge and understanding is absorbing.

Even your times of entertainment have learning wrapped in or around them.

Saturn in the last degree of Libra trining Neptune in the last degree of Aquarius (where it has been for twelve years) suggests the culmination of some kind of spiritual research or quest for wisdom. You might be able to identify this as something paying off for you at the present time in your inner realizations. "Things are good; the world is good; the Divine is present," is part of what this aspect means, with all the inner content of those brief statements opening up more widely to your comprehension.

The time given below for improvement in the social scene is when things start to loosen up a bit so you can move gradually into an evening mode of fulfillment.

Social life, friendship, enjoyment, personal relationships: D, C*
Work, projects, opportunity, concentration on achievement: C
Negotiations, agreements, business, transactions, purchases: C
Cooperation of circumstances, weather, traffic, conveniences: C
Sheer relaxation and liberating self-exploration: B
Spiritual seeking, worship, prayer, meditation, positive thinking: A
*Beginning at 1:55p PT|2:55pMT|3:55pCT|4:55pET|9:55pUT
E is effete; D is desperate; C is cool; B is bold; A is awesome

Cosmic Piper

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