Monday, June 29, 2009

Forecast for Tuesday 30 June 2009

Tuesday 30 June 2009


Although we're in the Via Combusta, when things seem bleaker than they really are, and when bad choices can be made, the moon in Libra forms trines with Jupiter and Neptune in Aquarius and Mercury in Gemini, so there is a breeziness and willingness to communicate in pleasing ways. Perhaps mild depression in people will make them want to talk or find casual companionship.

Things could be more disturbing after the moon goes void of course at 3:00p PT | 6:00p ET | 10:00p UT. It might be that you feel adrift and unable to make any intelligent choices. Well then, you could (a) look out the window (this is not to be despised, the clouds and trees can be a meditation, it is a link with nature at least), (b) write a poem, (c) play with neighborhood kids in the back yard (does anybody do that any more? probably not), (c) listen to music if it is really music you love, or . . . anything your deep soul wants. Having no agenda might be the best agenda.

As I write on Monday, the moon in Libra has produced breaking news along two major lines: (1) the Supreme Court sided with the firemen who felt they had been discriminated against and (2) Bernard Madoff was sentenced to (in effect) life in prison. Of course Libra is the sign of courts, lawyers, and the justice system. When the moon is there such matters can become important.

But Sunday when the moon was in Virgo, sign of animals, a 12-year-old boy in Colorado who rode a bull in a rodeo was stomped to death when he fell off the animal. As you know if you are attentive to these forecasts, that was during the ||difficult third of the week. Mars is in Taurus, the sign of the bull. The boy (Mars) was controlled by the bull (Taurus). Further, most likely the moon was void of course (in Virgo) when this happened. When the moon is both void of course and it is the ||difficult third of the week, very bad things can happen (the events of 9/11/09 are an example).

Bernard Madoff is also a bull, sun-sign Taurus (his birthday is April 29, 1938). Mars and Venus in his sign are squaring Jupiter and Neptune now. Venus and Jupiter are at the ends of Taurus and Aquarius, respectively, very close to where they were in his natal chart. Venus square Jupiter is said to be exorbitant, careless of commitments, self-indulgent (and often charming). It is interesting that these two planets are forming the same square, in the same signs, that they formed the day Madoff was born. I think the reason this is critical for him is that Mars is also there (with Venus and squaring both Jupiter and Neptune). C.E.O. Carter, one of the best astrological writers ever, said that Mars squared or opposed to Jupiter was, in his observation, perhaps the worst astrological aspect. That is not what I would have said, but often events bear out Mr. Carter's sagacity. The aspect seems to have to do with "falls" literally or metaphorically. Not only did Madoff "fall" today but the head of state of Honduras. I knew a woman who fell off a horse and was seriously injured when Mars was square Jupiter in her progressions. The boy killed yesterday fell off a bull.

On Tuesday we might try to live up to the good side of Venus in Taurus, which is charm, concord, beauty, easygoing links with nature and human beings. Her sextile with Uranus promotes this. It might happen close to home, or in your workplace, when you are serving in humble ways.

Sometimes giving up, submitting to fate, is a great release. It's that kind of day.

Strong, noble, generous individuals are much in your thoughts and perhaps visible to you. Their vitality and good will is inspiring.

Wise financial decisions are bearing good fruit.

Linking with people in friendly ways enhances your prosperity and satisfaction as well as your career. Entertaining people in a place that is either your own or feels like your own gives you a sense of luxury and security.

It's a time of transitions which are relatively easy, except for your worry over them. You have taken pains to preserve your wealth and income and appear to have succeeded. Now you can enjoy, with those who are kindred spirits. Together you reduce one another's worries.

{Tuesday} {Luxuriation}

Cosmic Piper

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