Friday, June 19, 2009

Forecast for Saturday 20 June 2009

Saturday 20 June 2009


This is the first day of the ||difficult third of the week; tomorrow (Sunday) is the second and we will be out of it by Monday.

I recommend reading serious books on philosophy, religion, astrology, or other deep topics. The iPhone and television and Internet will still be there after you have taken a well-deserved vacation from them. The world is much larger than the 21st century and what has transpired in it so far. "The world" is a temporal world and not just a spatial world. The history of inspired thinkers is a treasure. There is always something new to be found in the old.

Murder is wrong, and the death penalty is wrong. Both are wrong.

You may feel you have a hard life. All of us feel that about certain things, and on certain days; this is likely to be one of them. Nevertheless, you are getting worthwhile career and business ideas.

If you have prepared yourself for a leadership role, you may feel a responsibility to continue with it when people misunderstand, even though there is a temptation to resent that and throw in the towel. The large man or woman can tolerate being misunderstood when a deeper issue is at stake. It helps to know that G*d understands.

There are so many things which need reforming! How do you decide where to put your energies? Some people don't care about reforms and "doing good," focusing on their personal interests instead. At least today you may be alert to certain individuals who are trying to enlist you for important causes, and you could respond in a positive way with a little of your time at least.

Another side of you wants to put your self-interest up there at the top in a sophisticated way, and that makes sense also. So you can ferret out ways of proceeding toward greater success in your field and perhaps better income.

Those who make books their friends are not always dull socially, but may be sought out and appreciated by those who sense their hidden wisdom.

{Saturday} {Learning}

Cosmic Piper

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