Monday, June 15, 2009

Forecast for Tuesday 16 June 2009

Tuesday 16 June 2009

*Becoming a Real Mensch*

As I write on Monday the protests in Iran over their presidential election are proceeding apace, and the moon is conjoining Uranus, the planet of revolution (in the metaphoric or mild sense usually). You may notice that the anger over the election and the arrests and beatings, which ought not to have happened, happened during the ||difficult third of the week as pointed out here. The election, of course, occurred during a Dark Hermetic Epoch (as did the disputed U.S. election of 2000). The sun is opposing Pluto, planet of entrenched and secretive power, which is in this case the clerics and other "good old boys" who have been ruling Iran in lieu of real democracy. They are perhaps being dragged out into the sunlight through this opposition, which illumines the dark corners. (Do you want yours to be made public?)

The moon in Aries gives us Prime Time after the ||difficult third of the week ends this morning at 5:56a PT | 8:56a ET | 12:56p UT. There should be a breath of fresh air, a feeling that things are under control, with the beginning of a Bright Hermetic Epoch (yesterday) extending until August 17. I am sorry, but your excuses are running out. You have a chance to shape your world as you wish.

Shrewdness enables you to detect what you need to do for wealth. It also points out your real friends. (It is better to assume someone is a real friend than the reverse, unless you are involved in foreign wars or intelligence operations, in which case you are probably doomed to become a paranoid schizophrenic.)

Many will be thinking of purchasing (or creating) art objects, while Venus and Mars remain in Taurus. Beauty and luxury reassure you that you are loved, or love yourself, or that the invisible spirits who love good art and well-appointed furnishings are with you.

People of varying kinds, including older ones, can get together and share insights and good feelings in ways which are colorful and helpful. The human race is fascinating visually as well as spiritually, as we see when viewing the crowds of protesters in Tehran.

Although you are never sure how they will turn out, ritualized expressions of affection may help you and someone else. It's touching base.

A gambling trend is evident, for most of us more mental speculation than actual betting. Some will be lucky, some not, as always seems to be the case. It would be good not to spoil things by going too far, relying on the unreliable.

You become more self-aware when you shop, or visualize ways of spending on things you'd like. The choices force you to be alert to your tendencies, desires and needs so that you learn more about yourself. Then the adventure could be shared with a friend who is open or sympathetic.

You care about your career and position in the world. You want to be admired in some way. The forces of the Solar System are with you to become just that. Serving yourself is good because it teaches you to serve, as well as rule, others in a natural unforced manner.

{Tuesday} *Becoming a Real Mensch*

Cosmic Piper

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