Friday, June 26, 2009

Forecast for Saturday 27 June 2009

Saturday 27 June 2009

\The Slow Patient Approach/

We're in the heart of the ||difficult third of the week, concluding late Sunday. If you sense crisis it may involve digging into more challenging aspects of your household living, preparing yourself for a test as it were.

It is well to emphasize more basic and humble things you can do to get your world in order. Ambition today is a mistake. Humility will win.

You will gain much appreciation for your skills and virtues, but paradoxically, the less you boast of your attainments and the more you focus on "just doing it" the more you will be valued. You might think of people as brothers or sisters. The sibling relationship is pretty much based on equality rather than hierarchy.

You will be alert to the danger of idleness. There is much to do and when you "get on it" you immediately feel better.

If there is mental work you need to do, something scholarly or technological (two quite different branches of "mental work" as it were), you'll benefit by seeing it as a game you don't need to win, as long as you try, and enjoy the process.

There is a supply of everything you need to feel competent and at peace. You can train yourself to pull yourself back, and then up, whenever you feel at sea momentarily; back, you see where you are in the overall process of the day or month; up, you're randy to sail on and get things finished.

Travel plans seem to be shaped up pretty well, although at times you wonder about them. There are standards you want to maintain wherever you go and you don't want to fail at that. As soon as there is community of feeling things move on more smoothly.

Mars trine Saturn ((June 8 through July 6) is helping you construct your immediate future in a careful way, avoiding waste of energy and choosing what will fit into your long-range scheme of action. This helps you avoid wasting money on things you will later consider foolish. Today is not a good shopping day. It is better to use what you have in a solid reliable way. Putting order in things at home is an excellent use of your time.

So far this reading seems, like all work and no play, to be making Jack a dull boy. Fortunately the cosmos provides the moon's trines with Mars and Venus, increasing through late afternoon and evening, to mellow things. Venus forming a sextile with Uranus (June 22--July 10) expands your circle of friends, although today that is close to home. When one link collapses, another one forms. Humble attitudes toward all will help, perhaps asking what they need rather than what you need.

{Saturday} /The Slow Patient Approach\

Cosmic Piper

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