Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Forecast for Thursday 11 June 2009

Thursday 11 June 2009

}Surprisingly Deep Sharing{

The energy you feel is somewhat sexual, yet transcends mere sensuality.

If you feel like fighting, well, that's only part of the picture.

There is no reason to denigrate your knowledge or insight. You have it. Not everyone appreciates it, but remembering that some do will help. That restores confidence.

You need people, and ideas, and ideals, which are hidden. In other words, they are remote from the mere materialistic consciousness of the average human being. You need them, perhaps desperately, in order to persevere when "the world" seems against you.

There is such a thing as crudity in attempted communications from people. They are trying for a certain something beyond their abilities and can only do or say what they can do or say. There is no point in judging them harshly. Ignorance and stupidity often cannot be overcome except through many lifetimes of growth.

You can persuade anyone to click with your more basic hopes when you communicate in a winning manner.

There are benefits from adhering to certain traditions, whether religious or social. They bring you strength from unsuspected sources. Allies are a wonderful thing.

How you share with friends indicates your social, and therefore spiritual, consciousness. You can give perhaps more than you thought. Giving honestly and wisely, or graciously and freely, brings reward inevitably.

It can't be denied that there are wonderful pleasures available. You could perhaps make this a party day, or a time to be with someone you love, or if alone to put forth talents in a way that will get recognition. You are appreciated for what you know, say, and do.

{Thursday} {Surprisingly Deep Sharing}

Cosmic Piper

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