Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Message for Wednesday 2 October 2024 }Squared or Cubed{

Message for  Wednesday 2 October 2024

}Squared or Cubed{

With a bow but no arrow, he has no means to

Effect his purpose. Opportunities pass him by

Without advantage. He does not recall having had

A father. He is a centaur, half man, half horse,


Subtle and changeful, simulating virtues and vices

For the sake of diplomacy. His hooves are instincts,

His hands aspirations. At length he acquires a cottage

Surrounded by a thicket. He has become prudent


And resourceful, yet worried and ruseful. Is

Everyone deceptive? In evenings he sits at a table

With a square on one side and a manuscript scroll on

The other. Life is a never-ending adjustment of 


Practical realities to ideal potentials. Squares of

Logic engender cubes of profundity.


{Wednesday} {Squared or Cubed}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Libra

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