Monday, October 7, 2024

Message for Tuesday 8 October 2024 ^Ceremonial^

Message for Tuesday 8 October 2024


A horse, saddled and bridled, is galloping away

Without a rider. Equestrian and other adventures 

Have possibly dangerous outcomes. The clear blue

Sky is covered with stars. A wanderer beneath it 


Stays not long in one place. His numerous gifts

Include the power of discovering exploration.

When he approaches the ocean he sees rising upon

Its waters a Sun symbolizing elevation and coming


Honors. Long oriental voyages could bring him fortune 

And distinction. In some field his illumination is 

Celebrated. Widespread connections make him welcome

At many marriage ceremonies. His conformity to 


Custom, service to ritual, brings facets of

Human living into unified organic fulfillment. 


{Tuesday} ^Ceremonial^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Sagittarius

|Karmic third of this week| ends at 0:26a(W) PT | 3:26a(W) ET 

/moon goes void-of-course at 10:55p PT | 1:55a(W) ET

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