Thursday, October 3, 2024

Message for Friday 4 October 2024 ~Unfoldment~

 Message for Friday 4 October 2024


A swarm of bees encircle a tree, a bea

Sleeping beneath it. Some, slothful and 

Inactive, become victims of fatalism.

Others, like a soldier going through his drill,


Are ambitious of military honors even if sadly

Wounded in active service. Still others adopt

A childlike attitude, blowing soap bubbles as

Feeble representations of the beautiful and the


Good. They want to be up and at something 

Even if ensuing enchantment seems worthless.

Living substance presses forward indefinitely to 

Refine phases of more eternal lineaments.


The germ grows into knowledge and life. 

Consummation is completeness of unfoldment.


{Friday} ~Unfoldment~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Libra goes void-of-course at 3:42a PT | 6:42a ET, until it enters Scorpio at 4:23a PT | 7:23a ET

< moon remains in the Via Combusta until Saturday afternoon

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