Friday, March 29, 2024

Message for Weekend of March 30-31, and new Fortnight beginning April 2, 2024 ^Out of Pattern^

Message for Weekend of March 30-31, and new Fortnight beginning April 2, 2024

^Out of Pattern^

1 It's Good Friday, or God's Friday, when we mourn the crucifixion of Jesus our Saviour. (If you don't believe that Jesus is the Saviour, I recommend reading, slowly and thoughtfully, the Gospel of John.) 

2 It is the 12th day of a Dark or Slow or Confusing or Backtracking or Internal Hermetic Epoch lasting until May 12. Difficult, often, though spiritually awakening, sometimes.

3 Saturday is the peak day of a |Karmically sobering, challenging third| of this week, as is Friday while I'm writing. 

4 For whatevereason, I feel terrible.

5 A poll on Twitter today showed that 82 per cent of respondents feel that every thing has been very hard "lately." 

6 It seems to me that often it is just a mistake for astrologers, including yours truly, to predict "good" or "easy" versus "bad" or "hard" times. The planets do not have that much control over us; we have to assume responsibility for how each day and each week goes.

7 So then should I give up these forecast-meditations?

8 What do you think?

9 I expect to continue, though humbled. We seem to be at a turning point in world, human, consciousness and I don't think anyone totally knows what it is.

But what has been going on in the past week makes me feel that I am right about the Dark Hermetic Epochs (this one from March 19 through May 12). Hard but not terrible. Upsetting often but also revealing. "Out of pattern" in manifold ways, which can be either frustrating orefreshing.

Example: I said yesterday that I was going to go out for a drink. I did. It was not a lot of fun. I had a White Russian and sipped it while listening to something on my phone in a corner of the bar, watching other patrons walking around, seemingly in circles. Not fun. I left much earlier than I had planned. The bartender looked as if he was not having an easy time of it either, but was pretending.

I walked to a grocery store and felt weary. It was drizzling rain. People on the street seemed unhappy, as if they didn't know where they were going or why.

Home, I continued to watch "The 3 Body Problem" on Netflix, which I have not been watching for weeks. Someone on Twitterecommended it. I found it getting worse, not better, glorifying death and destruction, sadistic. Not for me, yet I admit the plotting kept my interest up to a point.  

Friday and Saturday seem like more of the same, an "out of pattern" morass. I do not feel like writing about the next Fortnight, which begins Tuesday April 2 and ends Monday April 15. It does not look like a bad chart at all but I am leery of promising anything good. The center of it is the New Moon and Eclipse of Monday April 8, which is getting a lot of publicity and press coverage. I do not regard eclipses as baneful unless they make harsh aspects to other planets, and this one does not. 

Still, it's a Dark Epoch. I listened to Annie Jacobsen talk for 3 hours with Lex Fridman about nuclear war. Not cheery. Yet it could happen any time. Instead of thinking about that and how to prevent it, people entertain themselves by thinking about a fictional takeover of our planet by a far distant interplanetary culture four hundred years from now? Or about who can kick or throw a ball in the right direction? What are we doing?

I could say, Happy Easte
r, but I would recommend, to make it happy, reading in the Gospel of John.

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 30: Moon in Sagittarius

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week is at its peak, exact at 

Sunday 31: Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn

|Karmically challenging third| of this week ends at 6:32p PT | 9:32p ET | 1:32a(M) UT

/moon goes void-of-course at 5:17p PT | 8:17p ET | 12:17a(M) UT

until it enters Capricorn at 9:06p PT | 12:06a(M) ET

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