Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Message for Wednesday 25 January 2023

Wednesday 25 January 2023

^Defense and Benefaction^

Moon in Pisces-->Aries

/moon goes void-of-course at 8:12a PT | 11:12a ET | 4:12p UT

until it enters Aries at 10:49a PT | 1:49p ET | 6:49p UT

Yesterday, as reported here, Mars returned to the degree symbolized by "an airplane falling." And in the morning I thought that I had lost my smartphone, which would have been a major major hassle. It seemed that I must have left it in the restaurant I was in last night. I found that that establishment would not open until 4 p.m. and was in panic mode hoping that somehow someone had saved my phone in lost-and-found. I even asked a neighbor to call my number so I would know if the phone was buried somewhere in my apartment. He tried and there was no audible ring. 

Then, despite my panic mode, I decided to carry on with my regular Bible reading, and just as I started reading the Christian Science textbook in addition, there was my phone in the pile of books! What a relief. Ans so the "airplane falling" was righted before disaster happened. Then, an hour later believe it or not, a friend told me that today he forgot his phone in a restaurant where it was charging, and had to go back to recover it! I hope you are not suffering such hassles but if you are you can chalk it up to this degree. As recorded yesterday, Dr. Jones says of it (9Gemini10) that there is "an expectation of righting the dive, thus re-establishing control of the flight." I hope that will happen for you because Mars remains at that degree today and through Sunday the 29th. Let's make it a positive rather than painful experience.

"Crossed swords surrounded by a wreath of laurels" show powers of attack and defense. There can be an incisive manner, with an acute penetrating mind. Action seems the keynote rather than static possession.

"An archer drawing a long bow" can be a teacher or prophet, because he is attracted to what is remote rather than near, and to the invisible more than the visible.

Inherited wealth or property is suggested by "a spacious park with a baronial mansion in the background." One's ancestors "must have been of a high order" and are continuing their blessings upon one's well-being and destiny. Prayer and meditation can link us with invisible benefactors.

{Wednesday} ^Defense and Benefaction^

Cosmic Piper

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