Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Message for Thursday 5 January 2022

Thursday 5 January 2022

~Progress Toward Dignity~

Moon in Gemini-->Cancer

/moon is void-of-course  

until it enters Cancer at 6:16a PT | 9:16a ET | 2:16p UT

We do not have a Speaker of the House in the U. S. (second in line to the Presidency) although several votes were taken on Wednesday, inconclusively. (If you read Wednesday's report you will see how I more or less pointed this out with the help of the symbols.) The activist Republicans opposing Kevin McCarthy were originally supporting Jim Jordan. Both of these are Aquarians (by sun-sign), and Jordan said that he did not want the speakership but supported McCarthy! Two Aquarians sticking together, as it were. Now the rebel Republicans have turned to Representative Byron Donalds of Florida. His birth-data is not available anywhere I have looked online. But he is a good man and solid candidate, and I wish that McCarthy would give up and support him. I hope that Donalds is not just a 'token black" and a placeholder for the Republicans until they turn to someone else as a substitute for McCarthy. Notice this: In the two most recent reports I have mentioned that Saturn in Aquarius is the sole dispositor of the seven major planets until March 3. And so, McCarthy, Aquarian, seems still to be top dog, but I hope that can change. Saturn slows things down and gums up the works, from a progressive or activist viewpoint. 

Thursday: The Full Moon approaches and 'a man is riding at high speed upon a well-conditioned horse.' He has a romantic life, travels and 'undertakes hardy exploits.' There could be foreign connections and opportunities. One can tame the mind and partake of instruction or supply it.

The contest for Speaker may be reflected in 'an officer arrayed much like a Chinese mandarin in an official robe of purple, gold and blue.' 'To him will be entrusted the care of high secrets and charges and he will be associated with persons of high estate. He may boast an ancient lineage plus inherent dignity and repose, endowing him ultimately with success and authority.' 

Mars, not seeming to move, still gifts us with 'a quiver filled with arrows.' This could amount to 'querulous overconfidence and quixotic notions' or to 'unlimited personal capacity for rising to the issue of the moment on any level of experience.' Preparation has its own interest and value.

Yes, Mercury is retrograde and we walk on chewing gum. 'A person ascends a spiral staircase within a dark enclosure, with sunshine at the top.' 'There is much to do in life for very small returns. One is always busy yet with little to be seen for one's labor; but good luck falls to one's lot at the end of a given time-span.' That could be by January 18, or maybe February 7 or March 3. Meanwhile there are intriguing downs and ups.

{Thursday} ~Progress Toward Dignity~

Cosmic Piper

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