Monday, January 16, 2023

Message for Tuesday 17 January 2023

Tuesday 17 January 2023


Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until Wednesday morning

/moon goes void-of-course at 6:28a PT | 9:28a ET | 2:28p UT

until it enters Sagittarius at 9:34a PT | 12:34p ET | 5:34p UT

The gloom and slowness most are experiencing should diminish tomorrow, Wednesday the 18th. First, Mercury shall turn direct at 5:13a PT | 8:13a ET. It will still be moving very slowly however. 

A Dark Hermetic Epoch began Dec. 12 > (Mercury Retrograde began Dec. 29 > ends January 18) > DHE ends February 7, when a new Bright Hermetic Epoch begins lasting until April 7. And that should improve even more beginning March 7 when Saturn gives up its total control of other planets by moving into Pisces. 

So in some ways we are in sight of a happier plateau beginning tomorrow, Wednesday, when also the |difficult third| of this week shall be gone. 

Today, Tuesday, may still seem somewhat bleak, yet we look for encouragement in the day's symbols: "An indescribable scene: chaos, confusion, dissolving views." This symbol always amuses me because it seems so accurate when it turns up. What in the world is going on here? Charubel says it could make us feel we are idiotic or insane, or that others are. But really it's a period for letting chaos sort itself out into something better, not being upset by the "dissolving views" but appreciating them as if one were viewing life through a kaleidoscope. This is appropriate for the final day of Mercury's retrogradation. What is not needed, or "in the way," shall dissolve eventually into something more congenial.

"A boat to which a submerged man is clinging for support" is the providential help of a friend rescuing one from danger. Insufficient tact or skill has gotten one into trouble, but "a friend raised up to one" saves one from sinking into the depths. There is great faith, mingled with a desire to travel. 

Venus's conjunction with Saturn, active from January 14-30, is the "nobody loves me" aspect but can also be the "let's get back together" aspect when there is realistic facing of the need for mutual love. The old song "Love Hurts" captures the syndrome. Again we have "steps up a hill" which are traversed with much labor, and "an angel form" waiting at the top with a golden crown as reward for one's climbing. 

{Tuesday} ^Kaleidoscope^

Cosmic Piper

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