Sunday, October 22, 2017

Message for Monday; and Month of Scorpio, 2017

Month of Scorpio, 2017

Monday 23 October

Moon in Sagittarius
|Karmically serious third| of this week is with us (until Wednesday afternoon)

Responsibilities weigh, but easier indications are also present, such as those contained in the following report. It is good not to give offense when annoyed. A  lighthearted mood of self-appreciation could intervene to ease tensions. 

~Harmonization within Strength~

Let's put our major attention on the month beginning today, that of Scorpio (until November 21, late in that day). As discussed recently, we are trying a new approach based on considerable research. Because it is new, I will perhaps be modifying what I believe and predict concerning this month as we go along, but am giving it my best shot today.

We have a Bright Hermetic Epoch until November 15--that is, for most of this zodiacal month--so we can proceed with plans already conceived and tested, and expect them to work out well. In fact, they ought to go better, because this month's chart is less stressful than last month's (Libra, from September 22 through October 22). There were 11 difficult and 11 smooth aspects in that chart; this month there are only 6 harsh versus 10 smooth ones. Not everything is easy, but the intense T square with Saturn, of last month, is gone. Worries are lessened. Saturn, the planet of trouble in a superficial sense, or of karma and deep concern, has only one harsh aspect whereas last month it had four. Its square with Mars continues, so we need to proceed consistently with plans we developed last month to fulfill responsibilities. 

Last month there was a focus on values, on finding out what one deeply believes to be true and good, with a realization that one needs to live up to those values. That could continue, and ought to, but this month with less trauma because it appears we have already settled some of those important questions in our minds and so are less disturbed by them, feeling we are capable of living up to our newly discovered or refined values with less anxiety. 

Last month there were no planets in Scorpio, a money sign, but now there are three: the sun, Jupiter, and Mercury. Scorpio is the "natural 8th house," that of "other people's money" and so of taxation and inheritance among other factors. 
Tax cut or tax reform? The time seems ripe for it, whatever one may think of the plans currently floated by the White House or various senators. 

On the personal level one might profitably reorganize or settle one's financial arrangements in regard to long-lasting regimens such as investment. (I shall not predict whether the stock market shall continue its phenomenal rise. I am not at all sure there is any astrological formula for that. But one's personal thinking and intuition about such matters could be reliable this month especially before November 15th.)

We have mentioned how last month's T square with Pluto at point focus correlated to some matters of sexual exploitation, such as the much-discussed Harvey Weinstein affair--taking Pluto as often "the tempter or exploiter planet." That T square continues; but Venus, planet of women, was in Virgo in last month's chart, the sign of its "fall," while she is in Libra this month, her own sign and so is enthroned. This could put the whole situation on a level of more-equal cooperation between the sexes (Libra, sign of equilibrium) rather on the level of the subordination of women (Virgo). 

Women rule! perhaps, in some subtle or obvious sense, because Venus in Libra is the sole dispositor of the other planets. This goes beyond politics into personal living including marriage relations and platonic friendships, for Libra is the sign of harmony, at its best, and Venus there shows a background of willing conciliation rather than a desire to nag (one problem of Venus in Virgo). In fact, with Venus and Mars both in Libra (both in Virgo last month) we might expect amity on a large scale. The sexes do not "become one" but find that they have a lot more in common than they thought, or that the differences are pleasing rather than irritating.

There is no cancellation of personal differences, because Uranus is in high focus in a bucket-shaped chart. At the worst this could be an extreme exaggeration of individualistic or eccentric tendencies. At best it can be a willingness to be oneself no matter what people think, and a tolerance of their right to be themselves. Let us hope for that. There can be free experimentation in regard to one's personal purposes. Included in those is a touch of artistry (Venus as the planet of oriental appearance). None of the Venus emphasis detracts from the fact that Scorpio is the warrior, or the one who is determined to triumph over enemies and obstacles. Jupiter there suggests that that can be done in cooperation with reliable allies. 

Much more could be said but I hope this will be a helpful beginning. We will continue to ponder and explicate further details as we go along.

{Monday; and Month of Scorpio} ~Harmonization within Strength~

Cosmic Piper

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