Sunday, October 15, 2017

Message for Monday 16 October 2017

Monday 16 October 2017

\More-Tangible Freedom Waits in the Wings/

Today is a toughie. We have to be patient.

Preliminary: If you read what I wrote for the weekend, about the month of LIbra (September 22-October 22), here is one more detail to add to that: What if a very young and naive student of astrology had read that, according to the ancient and medieval and Renaissance astrologers, the "Via Combusts" or Burning Way is from 15 Libra to 15 Scorpio, and then noted that the sun entered that region late on Saturday, October 7, this year, and proclaimed to the world, "There will be disastrous fires beginning late October 7" ? You, and I and most, would proclaim this too-eager astrologer rather ridiculous and foolish. The "Burning Way," we would have said, if it exists at all, is purely symbolic, perhaps of psychological significance.

Yet, according to the Los Angeles Times,  "a series of blazes burning across Northern California have scorched more than 220,000 acres since they began Oct. 8."

In other words, these disastrous fires, having killed at least 40 as of Sunday, began exactly when the sun entered the Via Combusta. Our "silly, green" astrologer would have been entirely accurate. Horrible fires started just when the sun entered the Burning Way this year. This naive novice would have been far more accurate than any other astrologer I know of, in predicting a major disaster. What this shows is one major thing:  "The ancients were right!"

It is true that we in the 21st century cannot take literally all the lore of the ancient astrologers. Some of it is only partially accurate; some of it seems to be based on too few observations, and so on. But some of it is starkly accurate to this day.

We are now in the "Burning Way" according to the sun's position; also Mercury's Venus's, and Jupiter's. It is interesting that according to Marc Edmund Jones this "Via Combusta" is significant only in relation to the moon's passage through it each month. I have been reporting those times here monthly for years, because I saw them to be important. (The American invasion of Iraq, almost universally considered a major blunder, happened at such a time.) I don't know of an astrologer who ever said that the sun, or other planets, being there could be important. And yet our "green" astrologer, who didn't know this, was more accurate in his off-hand prediction than the brilliant, careful astrologers of 2017, none of whom predicted major fires beginning October 7 or 8. He was right because he naively trusted the ancients! Let that be a lesson.

I sometimes think that not just the segment 15 Libra to 15 Scorpio, but the entire segment of Libra and Scorpio (one-sixth rather than one-twelfth of the total zodiac) is the "Burning Way." Not many astrologers would agree with me. But I invite you to consider: In the realm of politics, both Eleanor Roosevelt and Jimmy Carter were Libra. Also General-President Eisenhower. Eleanor suffered her whole life from her husband's apparent sexual indiscretions, yet she carried on nobly trying to uphold justice and helpful remedies for the oppressed. That was her "Burning Way." Carter mistakenly (according to me) supported the Shah of Iran and then the Shah's victorious enemy, Khomeini, decimated Carter's presidency by holding a hundred or so Americans hostage during the election which defeated Carter. That was his "Burning Way." Yet, more nobly, he never gave up trying to be an honorable man, and to this day in his nineties he administers a charitable foundation which attacks serious health and justice issues around the world. Carter never stopped fighting the fires of injustice and suffering as he estimated them. I applaud him. Eisenhower's reputation is increasing with time because, for example, he opposed Truman's decision to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Via Combusta!). His "Burning Way" was doubtless his generalship of American forces during World War II, a remarkable achievement by any standard. 

At the literary rather than political level, Oscar Wilde, Libra, was cast into prison because of his homosexuality, and wrote a remarkable piece, "De Profundis," of soul-searching and difficult self-examination. That was certainly a Burning Way. Truman Capote, another brilliant writer, had enormous success despite being openly gay, but then managed to offend his most famous and prosperous fans by writing gossip about them, became unpopular, and ended his days as a drug-taker and alcoholic. Burning Way indeed.

Other Libra and Scorpio people are wonderful individuals, heroes and heroines. They met the "Burning Way" with resilience and strength of soul and made enormous contributions to the human race.

It is not insignificant, either, to report that the most horrendous drops in the Stock Market, as in 1929, 1987, and 2008, occurred during the sun's and often Venus's and Mars's and Mercury's presence in the Burning Way, which happens in September-November. You can look up the dates and the correspondences for yourself. 

What about you, now? I am "feeling the burn," and it has nothing to do with Bernie Sanders. It appears to be intense questions about our own ethics, our morals, our value as human beings, our nobility. We feel we need to examine ourselves and prove ourselves. May that go well for you.


Capacious desires and ambitions could be subjected to loss. But one can study oneself, one's abilities and proclivities, and learn how to succeed in the future. There are indications of possibly wonderful prosperity, but that is based on scheming and calculating one's way through one's own Via Combusta. 

One can find aplomb through connections with hard-nosed, aristocratic individuals who may at first seem indifferent to one's own plight, but they could be susceptible to gradual persuasion if one appears to be realistic enough for them. Dreaming of wonderful success through innovation is not a mistake if one is patient enough to let that happen gradually.

Being solitary could be a result of pride and isolated feelings. Giving as well as taking is needed for getting on with "the world" or those who represent it in one's situation. One's insistent stubbornness, if isolating, could result in estrangement and a loss of smooth freedom within the economic-social matrix. Patient common sense (sun exactly sextile Saturn) is enough to prevent disaster.

{Monday}  /More-Tangible Freedom Waits in the Wings\

Cosmic Piper

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