Monday, October 30, 2017

Message for 31 October 2017

Tuesday 31 October 2017

~Orphans Need G*d; G*d Needs Orphans~

Moon in Pisces
|Karmically serious third| of this week continues (until Wednesday evening)

I am ignoring Halloween. If you want to celebrate it, or help others celebrate, fine. But please remember what it really means:  The Evening of All Hallows Day, which is November 1:  Hallow-Evening, or Hallowe'en. So it is a sacred holiday honoring those who have passed from this life, and has nothing to do with witches, devils, goblins, monsters and the like. That is a human perversion of a sacred holiday honoring those whom you love who have passed from this life into the Afterlife. 

At perhaps a weak moment I purchased a Halloween costume a couple weeks ago. I doubt that I will put it on. 

In the true spirit of the holiday we could remember the good things about those who have passed from our lives into the "Other Side." And celebrate their memory, and living presence, by lighting a candle or by any other gesture which seems real to us.

The ritual of "trick or treat" is really a ritual of orphanage. The kids who go out knocking on strangers' doors and asking for treats are orphans. Their parents are at home, or if they lurk in the background they are not wanted there. The kids say, "I am alone in this world; my parents don't get me; I am an orphan. Please give me something or I will trick you, just as I would trick my parents for their stupid neglect of my real being." 

It's a peculiar holiday.

Carelessness is a result of ignoring signals that one's lassitude or laziness in some direction could result in loss. Of course it is better to prevent that. 

Someone who is more than an ordinary person, a Messiah or semi-Messiah, is in your consciousness as your servant--if you prove yourself worthy of his or her service.

It's the harvest season and those who are wealthy, or modestly wealthy (the "middle class"), are feeling proud of themselves and, if at all worthy of their prosperity, ready to share it with others who have less. 

Such solicitude is creative concern for those who have problems or need support in an immediate or temporary way. 

Someone who personifies your ideal may appreciate your assistance, even if that assistance is disguised as mere friendliness and moral support. The ideal person for whom you live has need of kindness and goodwill. (Maybe even G*d has such a need?)

{Tuesday} ~Orphans Need G*d; G*d Needs Orphans~

Cosmic Piper

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