Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Forecast: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, April 18-20, 2012

Sun in Aries-Taurus and Moon in Aries, 2012

Beginning Wednesday 18 April at 9:00a PT | 12:00p ET | 4:00p UT
through Thursday 19 April
/moon goes void-of-course Friday at 12:36p PT|3:36p ET|7:36p UT
until Luna enters Taurus Fri-Sat at 9:06p(F)PT|12:06a(Sa)ET|4:06a(Sa)UT

*Toward Civilized Refinement*

The period just before the New Moon, which does not come until Saturday, is usually a little confining, as if motivation were lacking, and can be good for extra rest. However, Saturn in Libra is emphasized by being the handle of a fanhandle whose fan is four planets in Aries. Since Saturn is retrograde, this can mean "old business" or stuff you just need to do although it is hard. So you may need to balance a need for rest with a need to get that stuff done. It feels something like an expensive down payment for the future, so is not bad when you think about what it will provide in weeks ahead.

Whatever you want to do alone, or in private, perhaps at home or in a secluded spot, can be brilliant intellectually, with insight into the fourth dimension, however one chooses to define or understand that powerful potential. You enjoy thinking about people who have been important to you, including family, friends, and a a partner, because as you ponder their relations to you, and perhaps to one another, you get insights into what the "fourth dimension" beyond our ordinary time-space limits can mean. This is true whether you have seen them lately or whether they appear to be "gone" from your life. They are still there in consciousness. We are all linked with one another, is part of what this means, but the linking is so amazing in reality that it is far more fascinating than our ordinary thoughts about it. In-cray-dee-bi-lay! (Astrology, the science of human rather than inhuman time and space, is invaluable in stimulating such insights, but may not be necessary for some kinds of minds. However, it develops fourth-dimensional insight for those who study it persistently.)

This is technically the last day of the Venus-Mars square, by ten-degree orb, yet it is still there and can be felt as rashness in dealing with people, as if you were too "cavalier" and offended them needlessly, or rushed into your own desires so impulsively that you forgot you might be annoying them. Of course, this could be reversed and you could feel someone has been doing this to you, and probably have felt it in recent days. It's like a child's demands: "You must do this; I need this, now not later." Or, if it thinks it is selfless, "You need this now, not later."

Of course it is important to avoid making enemies. At the same time, you may be defining yourself helpfully by recognizing that to which you are opposed or with which you do not agree. Much of human life is an exercise in either avoiding, mitigating, or curing enmity. That does not mean agreeing with what you perceive as wrong. The attempt, often direly needed, increases awareness and ultimately enriches us through consciousness-expansion. This is a secret reason behind the command to "love your enemies." Probably you won't love them at first, but by working through issues with them you find something amazing happening.

This struggle can have to do with factors as apparently harmless as life-style, as well as with more crucial issues.

"People who need people are the luckiest people in the world" is not an Aries sentiment. Aries can be a lonesome sign. Perhaps you have been defining yourself against others in the past month. That is not wrong. Your individuality, ultimately indefinable, at least in words, is your essence. Can you "make it" alone? We all like to think so sometimes. The fact that we need people, or some of them, humbles us inexorably, yet does not have to wear us down.

In some kinds of appetite-satisfaction, whether culinary or erotic, we grab and plunder what we want, gorge ourselves, become animal predators. For all that we disapprove such behavior (especially in others), we find ourselves doing it. The refinements of civilization modify such gross indulgence and make it sensuous rather than sensual, mutual rather than autocratic, harmonious rather than crass.

{Wednesday, Thursday, Friday} *Toward Civilized Refinement*

Cosmic Piper

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