Friday, April 6, 2012

Forecast: Saturday, Sunday, early Monday, April 7-9, 2012

Sun in Aries and Moon in Scorpio, 2012

Beginning Saturday 7 April at 7:19a PT | 10:19a ET | 2:29p UT
through Sunday 8 April
/moon void-of-course Sun-Mon at 11:57p(S)PT|2:57a(M)ET|6:57a(M)UT
until Luna enters Sagittarius Monday 9 at 8:13a PT | 11:13a ET | 3:13p UT

~Perspective Being Restored~

I would not blame some of you for feeling that these reports were putting "life on hold" for several weeks. In a way that has been true. I could say, based on many factors, that the second half of April will be far better, more progressive, than the first half. That is a promise which I believe it is safe to make. We aren't quite there yet.

I am not fond of the moon's transit through Scorpio, though it can be good for deeper thinking, pondering, feeling, and sometimes mystical experience. Pondering death and what it means is good at these times, provided one avoids the mistake of secretly hoping for or delighting in the demise of someone. I am afraid that goes on far more than people are willing to admit. Visualizing people as overcoming their defects and improving in this life, rather than as being shoved out of it, is the better course. Passing through death, or thoughts of it, with a conviction of immortality is a healthy Scorpio skill, when it has been developed.

Someone you like, either a friend or a business associate, is efficient, neat, and methodical. Perhaps selfish, but you don't mind when that selfishness is predictable and useful to yourself.

As mentioned in paragraph 1, you are waiting for something which will help you pull your life together. Delays continue, in money and business matters, but there are signs of improvement, which increase your optimism.

Things you want to learn and share are highlighted. If you are a frustrated teacher, you may take heart that destiny is forging a path for you, with the right help from a foundation, grant, or institution, or, failing that, your unaided pertinacity. What you hold within yourself can be shared somehow. Some will listen; and even those uninterested subconsciously gain something from your attempted exposition.

Intimacy develops through learning, whether in a class or more informally. People let themselves discover who they are through intimate interaction, chatter, or play. They also learn who others are, though not without shocks. It is healthy to face someone radically "other" and expand one's perspective toward a modicum of understanding and sympathy.

If you are preparing for a journey, or thinking of one, you may have bittersweet emotions, aware of the pain of readjustment but also the thrill of the challenge. An inquisitive spirit opens out into bold adventure and discovery.

Some degree of greed or graspingness is present, which can be good if it is normal, keeping you competitive for gaining what you want. You face chance odds in some of this, which does not mean you should stop fighting for the prize. But please note the void-of-course time, early Monday, when it might be wise to hold back. You will see better what to do after the moon enters Sagittarius.

{Saturday, Sunday, early Monday} ~Perspective Being Restored~

Cosmic Piper

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