Thursday, April 12, 2012

Forecast: Late Friday, Saturday, Sunday, April 13-15, 2012

Sun in Aries and Moon in Aquarius, 2012

Beginning Friday 13 April at 2:49p PT | 5:49p ET | 9:49p UT
through Saturday 14 April
/moon goes void-of-course Sunday 15 at 3:43p PT|6:43p ET|10:43p UT
until Luna enters Pisces Sun-Mon at 10:39p(Su)PT|1:39a(M)ET|5:39a(M)UT

}Aiming for Nobility{

Mental powers are sharp, to the point of penetrating into fresh knowledge and discovery. You have determined to follow a demanding path and feel stronger the more you hold your toes to the mark. It is exhilarating to finish what you have started and keep the discipline and momentum strong.

At another level, your talents flourish when you let them expand into thrilling areas of adventure. This can be romance. It could get out of hand through overenthusiasm or overstimulation. Then it remains thrilling, but wise control makes it even better. Someone wants to be yours, is one way to put it, which means something even if overstated.

Back to the "discipline" level, you want to keep up with military precision, scheduling things and sticking to the schedule. This could be true even in the area of exciting connections with someone you like, that is, your control of timing makes the friendship or relationship better. For some, this could be as simple as that finishing taxes allows more time for fun, but there could be a multitude of other more subtle applications.

You job, finances, home and a relationship are forming interesting new connections with one another and it is fascinating to sense where it all might lead. I have said the second half of April would be better and, well, we are on the brink of that.

Interracial or international matters might be touchy and irritating, yet there is a need to face them and learn something, to become "looser" and more relaxed with those of different backgrounds from yours. At first the "other" seems alien and threatening, then later a somewhat playful resolution of differences can occur.

You want to merit someone's approval. This feels good because it brings out the best in you, so that by serving someone important you are granted a promotion, socially and perhaps professionally. Even if not, serving someone noble is noble and the reward is internal.

There can be physical healing, and healing of discord. Those dependent, as children, or adults reduced to a childlike state, gratefully accept whatever medicine and solace may be offered by the medicine man or woman, shaman or shamaness.

{Late Friday, Saturday, Sunday} {Aiming for Nobility}

Cosmic Piper

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