Sunday, April 15, 2012

Forecast: Monday, Tuesday, early Wednesday, April 16-18, 2012

Sun in Aries and Moon in Pisces (reprise), 2012

Beginning Sun 15-Mon 16 at 10:39p(Su) PT | 1:39a(M) ET | 5:39(M) UT
through Monday 16
/moon goes void-of-course Tuesday 17 at 7:35a PT|10:35a ET|4:35p UT
until Luna enters Aries Wednesday 18 at 9:00a PT|12:00p ET|4:00p UT

~Clearing the Deck~

In the "astrology as explanation of suffering" category, we have the sun opposed to Saturn, plus Mars still squared to Venus, which show that most of us are going through difficult transitions and facing unexpected hurdles whether in job, home, or relationships. Yet, as I have said, the second half of April should be better and it begins Monday. We are "coming out of the woods" but perhaps not entirely until the 23rd or later.

There are potentials of anger, fighting, rage, cruelty. People insist on being completely "other" so often that one might feel alienated and want to "beat sense into them," which, of course, never works. "Facing the other" reaches its peak either in war or sex, both of which have their obvious dangers. I could not spell out what this means now unless I were to write a long essay on philosophical psychology, which I am not about to do, but I am trying to give you some clues.

There are also mechanical issues, such as electronics, machine technology or mechanics, fixing things, repairing things, putting things in their proper places, moving them around for greater efficiency and convenience.

Perhaps you want to be "first" in something. Everybody does, it seems; perhaps even saints or yogis sometimes think "I am a better saint or yogi than so-and-so." Or if they don't, perhaps that is what makes them saints. I claim no such status, and I want to be the best expositor of current astrological aspects on the planet. At any rate as Cosmic Piper I am making a game attempt. What is it in which you want to be "first"?

If you notice that someone seems crude, vulgar, insensitive, and hurtful to others, animals, or yourself, you may have a dharma or duty to do something about it, or else to pray about it or offer up the situation to higher guidance and power, which is a form of work if done sincerely and fully (rather than with slipshod pseudo-sincerity).

Those who serve you, or are supposed to, may require some reminders of what they are called upon to do. Of course, in the spiritual paths this is reversed and you are supposed to remind yourself of what you are supposed to do for others. Perhaps the latter will lead naturally to the former.

Psychological adjustment to others and their idiosyncrasies seems necessary, so long as you are not violating your own integrity. This is possible through growth in intimate connections with those who seem too "other" for any connection at first. Yet of course this has its limits if someone's influence on you would be detrimental. Always a judgment call, or a need for invoking soul-intervention.

Simple labor, persistent effort, has its undoubted value and is the basic "spiritual path" for many. It makes you feel good about yourself and then rewards come easily.

The moon will be void-of-course for almost the whole of Tuesday, so it would be wise to get the most crucial matters settled Monday if you can. Wednesday (after the time given above) and Thursday are also good for most purposes.

We all feel we have missed opportunities. But the cosmos is prolific in offering new ones. Rather than jump toward them, now is probably a time to finish up old ones, get things finished which need to be finished, "clear the deck" in preparation for the rest of April, May, and June.

{Monday, Tuesday, early Wednesday} ~Clearing the Deck~

Cosmic Piper

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