Monday, December 23, 2024

Message for Tuesday & Wednesday December 24 & 25, 2024

 ♡ A Serious Happy Christmas ♡

Message for Tuesday & Wednesday December 24 & 25, 2024 0 The Grinch, this Christmas, is the square between Jupiter and Saturn, which is challenging the whole human race to wake up to its spiritual responsibilities or suffer dire consequences. We have been very close to nuclear annihilation. The New York Times, with which I usually disagree, posted last week a wonderful editorial stating that all of us need to work with Donald Trump in his attempt to make peace agreements a high priority. Good people are ringing alarm bells. (The following paragraphs are mostly replicas of those posted as the forecast for Christmas 🎄 week.) 1 The enormously complex and confusing battle over the budget is solid evidence that Cosmic Piper's insistence that the two weeks following a Mercury Retrograde period are almost exactly like the period itself is valid. They are the conclusion of the Dark or Slow Hermetic Epoch. Re^versals, re^writings, re^jections and re^visions--until we, or Congress, finally get it right. The new Bright or fast-forward Epoch does not begin until January 4. Keyword: Patience! 2 I have said, as unwilling Grinch, that this year's Christmas would not be merry but thoughtful. That's because of the karmically intense square between Jupiter and Saturn, exact Christmas Eve but continuing till the end of July. It's a fight to get things right rather than be shamed by getting them wrong or just neglecting them. It's a struggle of the soul to live by its ideals rather than idle conveniences. "A widow's past brought to light" suggests that we sense the error of our ways and re^pent. The keyword is Rectification. 3 We may look out of "a very small unpretentious window in the wall of a massive tower." "Such persons do not seek display but are ever happy amid the offspring of their own genius." 4 "A rug is placed on a floor for children to play." This could be self-indulgence, or Refinement through "exploitation of immediate resources." 5 "An officer preparing to drill his men" could be happening in war zones. It's reminiscent of Trump or Musk preparing to work with new appointees come January. Some group you belong to could have a "drill" you need to follow. 6 "A man is formally dressed. A deer has its horns folded." Talents win trophies and esteem. The keyword is Morale. 7 "The moon is shining across a lake." Magic may always be called upon in facing psychological adjustment. Fellowship of feeling leads to romance. Natural events shape themselves to meet the individual's yearning for deeper experience. The keyword is Rapport. 8 "A conversation by telepathy" symbolizes "the transcendent level on which human experience has its truest focus." "Illimitable ties between each individual and every other provide the fabric for a fellowship of invisible sympathies or co-operations." The keyword is Intimation. May you have a thoughtful, Happy Christmas 🎄 Week of December 21-28, 2024 Cosmic Piper Tuesday 24: Moon in Libra, going void of course at 2:45a PT / 5:45a ET Wednesday 25: Moon in Scorpio beginning at 0:07a PT / 3:07a ET

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