Thursday, April 25, 2024

Message for Friday 26 April 2024 ^Gradual Renewal^

Message for Friday 26 April 2024

^Gradual Renewal^

refer you to yesterday's report (Thursday April 25) if you haven't read it or digested it. It discusses the whole Mercury cycle. 

As I write on Thursday, Mercury has been direct for 9 hours and a lot has happened. Let's focus on Donald Trump, not because I am a big supporter of his (I prefer Kennedy) but because a lot happened for Trump today.

First, the New York Times posted an op-ed piece by a lawyer who believes one of the cases being pressed against Trump, by Alvin Bragg, is meritless and doomed to failure. For the NYT to appear in even a small way to take Trump's side is very rare. 

Second, there were widespread videos of Trump in New York being lauded by union workers, some of them chanting "We love Trump." 

Third and most important, late in the day the Supreme Court voted (according to all reputable sources) to uphold the major portion of Trump's claim to immunity for some acts performed while he was in office, noted as "Presidential immunity." The case is still not decided but while it goes back to a lower court for adjudication it will be delayed until after the November election. All agree that this is a big gain for Trump's chances.

And so for once the very day Mercury turned direct (no longeretrograde) some major things happened which changed the course of destiny, at least for Trump and probably for the nation. 

Another interesting development for those who follow Naomi Wolf on Twitter was a very long and detailed argument-discussion among her and followers about the propriety or necessity of resisting the vaccine mandates enforced on many during the pandemic. Again, this is "old business" (Mercury slow while barely direct in a DHE) which seemed to reach a  climax, for it almost seemed that by the end of the day there was agreement. 1. Those who stood up to resist the mandates and refuse vaccination were very brave and, in afterview, this was the best and wisest course to protect us all from governmental tyranny over our bodies. (Naomi's very strong position.) 2. But many were coerced, or virtually forced, to accept vaccination in order not to lose their jobs or positions or livelihoods. Naomi did not want to accept that, but many of her followers made a good case for it.

So this, too, was a sort of resolution of a past dilemma on the very day Mercury turned direct. Astrology is real.

Then there are the demonstrations and protests and clashes with the police at many college campuses including Columbia, Texas, South Carolina, and others. I shall not comment on that. My tendency is to support Israel as far as possible, but I see why some have serious trouble with that. The conflict has been intense through the whole M-r period (April 1 until this morning) and seems perhaps to have reached a peak before decelerating (let us hope). The very hour I am writing this, Sean Feucht is organizing a Christian, pro-Israel demonstration at Columbia. Provocative? Maybe, but it is non-violent. 

In your own life, I hope you are feeling a little calmer than you have previously in April and sensing that a less confusing path is opening up ahead of you.

It could take time, with May 12 as the beginning of the next Bright or Straightforward Hermetic Epoch, through July 16.

{Friday} ^Gradual Renewal^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Sagittarius

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week is at its peak today and tonight, ending early Sunday

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