Friday, July 7, 2023

Message for Week of July 8-14, 2023

Message for Week of July 8-14, 2023

"A rock falling on the head of a man" is just a symbol, and could mean we are forced to wake up to things we would prefer to avoid. Or it could mean we feel someone has been throwing rocks at us. Mars and Saturn begin an opposition this week, which lasts through the rest of July. What is the best response? "A smelting furnace" shows us being "large-hearted while sensitive to imposition or fraud." We don't glory in intellectual powers but in soul force.

Some who attend "a secret business conference" may be misled by their own false notions into doing things claimed for the good of the world but actually selfish. Who are the really good people? Probably those who, symbolized by "a farmyard implement" are "laborious, unambitious, useful members of society, ever content with their present lot."

Do they live in poverty? Maybe, like "a solitary rock jutting up from a waste of sand," that is, they have "fixity, steadfastness, and gravity of character." What they lack in directed purpose they make up by resistance and endurance. Some of them might adopt a devotional life, with "a taste for the conventicle," or semi-secret religious meetings, spending time in "a niche in which are set a lamp and a book or missal."

Some may "rise from a very low degree to eminence" like "a large flag on a flag-staff fixed on the top of a high mountain." Or they may be less conspicuous, like "a veiled statue" embodying "the gradual unfoldment of the sublime and the glorious." They are "students of what is great and lofty" and fired with enthusiasm so that they "bless their race."

"A woman of pleasant face, neatly attired, stands holding a sword, whose point is earthward. Her head is kissed by the meridian sun, her face toward the north." She has enemies but is good at self-defense and, through strife, native force, and diplomacy, will eventually prevail. Then she may be entertained by "gondoliers in a serenade" who bring forth "the ever-exuberant music of life itself" as "a symphony of co-operative relationships."

{Week of July 8-14, Saturday through Friday}

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 8: |Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week ends at 1:54a PT | 4:54a ET | 8:54a UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 11:23a PT | 2:23p ET | 6:23p UT
until it enters Aries at 12:20p ET | 3:20p ET | 7:20p UT

Sunday 9: Moon in Aries

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