Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Message for Wednesday 19 July 2023 ^On or Off the Merry-Go-Round?^

Message for Wednesday 19 July 2023

^On or Off the Merry-Go-Round^

! It's almost amusing to note that Venus started slowing down, slower than the sun appears to move in our geocentric view, just before the current Script Writers' Screen Guild and Screen Actors' Guild disputes and strikes, in Leo the sign ruling mass entertainment. She started slowing on May 30, that is, moving slower than the sun, goes retrograde on July 22 and finally turns direct on September 3. I won't predict that the strike will necessarily last that long but it may represent a prolonged period of negotiations. "I am Venus in Leo, I give you your entertainment, and I am weary of being mistreated so I am slowing down."

As for Mars opposite Saturn, I don't want to mention it every day but it is important, lasting through August 3. Here's some of what Robert DeLuce says : "This aspect increases ambition and daring but is inimical to sound judgment. There may be crime as perpetrator or victim. It may indicate merely a strenuous period in the life, when one meets with antagonism and difficulty. An unfavorable time to deal with engineers, soldiers or machinists. There may be loss or vexation concerning lands, mines, buildings or engineering projects." I personally have been suffering from an unusual amount of machine-caused and human-caused noise in my neighborhood, having to choose between open windows for cool fresh air or windows closed to keep out noise (a small example). It seems one has to give up something minor in order to gain what is major.

Wednesday's symbols:

"A merry-go-round" can mean "a continuous and senseless ricochet from one to another meaningless phase of self-expression." Better, it can be "pleasure as the simplest possible form of creative exchange."

"A man riding a camel with attendants following" could represent "wide and prolonged travels" with physical dangers. One could become prominent in a foreign country. One might be stubborn, persevering, vindictive and revengeful, or encounter such people. There can be "journeying, parade, and self-advertisement."

Again we have "two golden circles joined by a blue ribbon tied in a double bow" to show "many and sincere friends in a life useful, lovable and sincere, with attainment of ambitions plus peace." "Maybe two marriages" could mean two individuals you interact with during the day.

"A pear tree loaded with large ripe fruit' shows us "abounding in goodness" which flows from us spontaneously to heal discord and strife. The world needs such peace-makers as "living talismans."

{Wednesday} ^On or Off the Merry-Go-Round^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Leo
|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week begins at 12:42p PT | 3:42p ET | 7:42p UT (until Saturday mid-morning)

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