Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Message for Wednesday 22 May 2019

Wednesday 22 May 2019

\Watchfulness and Courage Prevent Suffering/

Moon in Capricorn
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues (through Thursday until very early Friday; harshest today)
/moon goes void-of-course at 8:59p PT | 11:59p ET | 3:59a(Th) UT

Optics, and electrical-technological matters, are highlighted, as if some genius working on them were discovering amazing possibilities. One might also apply one's intellect to the metaphysical or transcendental. If moods are low, they are better when one concentrates on what is of most interest in any field you care about.

The tornadoes in Oklahoma-Texas being forecast and discussed as I write correspond with the moon's opposition with Mars, forming Monday evening when the atmospheric disturbances were forming, exact early Tuesday and diminishing by Wednesday evening; but the damage or trouble might continue because of Luna's conjunction with Saturn today (the |karmic third| period given in the data above). I have reported here, and no other astrologer to my knowledge ever has, that high winds are frequent when Luna forms a hard aspect with Mars. This happens four times per month so it is not unusual, but the pattern can be seen if one is alert to it. Astrologers are too lazy to notice it. And, of course, as I have said dozens or hundreds of times in the past eleven years, any weather problem is likely to happen more often during the |karmically serious third| of each week. That is Luna's hard aspect with Saturn, very noticeable. After days of nice weather in Seattle it is gloomy and a little rainy today (Tuesday as I write). 

Mars's Sabian symbol is somewhat threatening, "An automobile wrecked by a train." This is not literal, most likely, but might relate to Tesla's problems with its self-driving trucks and cars. The "train" could be technology running amuck. Personally, you might need to prevent dispersion in your doings so you are alert enough to change course to prevent disaster or a lesser problem.

Eccentricity could lead to litigation. It is good to be wise, and diplomatic, in preventing strife. 

Yet it is also good to be daring and courageous when that is inescapable:  "A man scaling a wall by means of a rope ladder." Your "rope ladder" might be something you have put together patiently over the past month during this Bright Hermetic Epoch when, no matter our issues, our minds are able to fathom methods or techniques which lead to success. 

We can bring health and other problems on ourselves by being too self-indulgent--unwilling to hold back from eating when dieting, for example. A more strict control of habits could prevent the need of the "Red Cross nurse." She is dedicated to meeting the extreme needs of others and is a real heroine. You may benefit from someone like her, or see how you can be like her in some medical or non-medical context. 

{Wednesday}  /Watchfulness and Courage Prevent Suffering\

Cosmic Piper

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