Monday, May 20, 2019

Message for Tuesday 21 May 2019

Tuesday 21 May 2019

\From Dismal Doubt to Justified Protection/

Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn
/moon is void-of-course (very early hours only)
until it enters Capricorn at 0:57a Pt | 3:57a ET | 7:57a UT
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week begins at 6:51a PT | 9:51a ET | 1:51p UT (until very late Thursday)

I repeat from the weekly report posted last Friday: "A white oval figure on a very black background, which contains no forms or shapes of any kind. This is an important degree. Unfortunate through marriage. If a female, should she ever become a mother, the labor will be attended with much suffering. A very negative person, open to evil influences." (Charubel) This seems obviously connected with the current abortion imbroglio, but it has other meanings to each of us which we can discover through contemplation. We should not let evil influences get to us semi-consciously. 

"That is important, because the sun and Mercury conjoined during a Bright Hermetic Epoch mark this as an important week to get our agendas and projects in shape. We know what to do and can do it, and plan for the future successfully." In fact, today, Tuesday, is the day of the conjunction of the sun and Mercury, marking the very center of the Bright Hermetic Epoch (April 16--June 19). Have you not resolved certain issues in the past few weeks, arriving at what look like solid decisions about your plans, methods, daily schedules and agendas? You are likely to have seen a road to continuing success, if you remain alert to the signals you have been getting and may continue to get for the next four weeks.

Rage in politics keeps on, "A cat arguing with a mouse." Cats might think the opponent is a mouse, while mice might think the opponent is a cat. Both could be wrong. We are human beings trying to understand. (The cat might be the parents of an unwanted child, while the unborn one in utero is of course the mouse.)

One does not have to appear eccentric deliberately in order to make a point which is out of favor with most. It is better to avoid strife as much as possible by modifying the statement of one's position to something the other can comprehend or appreciate. 

Security may derive from good associations with someone who protects you. Or this could be a group, an organization or The Highest. There is such a thing as peaceful beneficence, after all. Luna's trines with Uranus and Venus support this, even during a |difficult third| period.

Still, keeping up with things is better than relaxing overmuch. "A sleigh without snow" suggests that one might have to sustain one's life-journey (provide the snow) in some original way (Uranus conjoined to Venus and sextile Mars). 

{Tuesday}  /From Dismal Doubt to Justified Protection\

Cosmic Piper

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