Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Message for Wednesday 13 February 2019

Wednesday 13 February 2019

}Foxy Strategy{

Moon in Taurus-->Gemini
/moon is void-of-course 
until it enters Gemini at 1:33a PT | 4:33a ET | 9:33a UT

Some are crafty, cunning, and a little predatory. Or are we all? Foxy.

Many do good deeds--feed the hungry, pour water for the thirsty. Some of them do it mostly for show. (Let's do it for better reasons.)

We can rely on ordinary things, our neighborhood, environment, and people around us, and this is comforting--"A duck pond and its brood." Quack.

Partisans and enthusiasts try to be reformers but may do no more than post Facebook propaganda. Sound familiar?

Some are passionately vindictive to the point of malice. Or are those just characters you saw on Netflix? Beware of those video ghosts. They see blood in the air and run amok.

Some study and explain Nature. That can be good. Others live it, like the fox sitting on its haunches and mapping strategy for its next meal. 

{Wednesday}  {Foxy Strategy}

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  I use all the symbols in three systems, 360x3 or 1080 of them, and find them all useful. I have to winnow them because too much is too much, TMI or TMS (too many symbols). But right now the Sabian ones for the slow-moving planets are relevant. "Men cutting through ice" for Jupiter is self-evident for many places in the country, even in Seattle which is having more snow and ice than it has had in a long time.  "A general accepting defeat gracefully" (Pluto) could be Trump if he relents and agrees to sign the compromise on the Wall which is being prepared in Congress for his approval by Friday. The keyword is "Expediency." From the New York Times:
The compromise needs to be written into legislation, both chambers of Congress need to pass it, and the president needs to sign it, all before Friday to avert another government shutdown.
Venus conjoining Saturn tends to bring things to issue, not always pleasantly; it is realism, and can be the "Nobody loves me" aspect, which you and I and maybe even Trump might be feeling. (Say nothing about it, fellow fox.) 

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