Monday, February 18, 2019

Message for Tuesday 19 February 2019

Tuesday 19 February 2019

\Aloneness As Illusion/

Moon in Leo-->Virgo
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:52a PT | 8:52a ET | 1:52p UT
until it enters Virgo at 6:48a PT | 9:48a ET | 2:48p UT
Full Moon of Pisces-Virgo occurs at 7:55a PT | 10:55a ET | 3:55p UT
Dark Hermetic Epoch of two months begins at 6:26a PT | 9:26a ET | 2:26p UT
(ending on April 16)

[The Monday report was posted late on some sites, but was posted.]

Probably the most important factor to consider right now is the exact conjunction of Venus with Saturn. Over the decades I have seen that this corresponds to the most difficult periods in people's lives, at the emotional and spiritual level. (It often corresponds to worry about money also, but this tends to be secondary.) It is technically exact on Monday but still just as strong Tuesday, and does not end until the 27th. 

What is your soul telling you? Do you feel depressed, questioning your life purpose, questioning if you know how to love truly or if anyone truly loves you? If on a spiritual path, do you feel that your relation with the Supreme is on the rocks, or needs repair? All this is normal during the hard aspects of Venus with Saturn (which come generally four times a year). 

If one is totally self-centered, this takes the form, often, of blaming others or G*d for one's problems. How could He allow this to happen? Or how could she or he do such things? And so on. 

When one is a bit more mature in one's attitude, it becomes "How could I have been so callous, so insensitive, so full of desire which blinded me to the true state of affairs? Do I even deserve love or approval?" And so on. 

And so while one might blame Saturn, or the Solar System, or somebody or something for this aspect, it truly is an essential phase in our self-discovery and spiritual growth. It is a testing phase. Sometimes it is: Am I putting money before love? Sometimes it is: Am I letting craven desires block me from seeing what someone else truly needs? Do I know the difference between lust and love? (It might be said that Ryan Adams is going through this; but aren't we all, in varying ways?)

At best, it can teach us to find the spiritual core of us which is detached from both self-approval and other-approval but which seeks G*d's approval, that is, which tries to live up to the Highest insofar as that is possible. Then, when one feels one is doing that, there is peace. So it can be an aspect of spiritual peace at its best--of accepting the plans of G*d no matter how difficult they may seem at the level of human desire. One "mans up" or "womans up" to face life as it is, with its hard parts and sacrifices, while feeling kindness toward all who are going through their own sufferings.

I believe that one mission of astrology, or of Cosmic Piper, is to let us know when these special times are here so we can take heart, knowing that the hardest part will not last forever. That is a comfort.

Tuesday:  "Standing alone" may be an illusion, because we are never truly alone, but it may seem to be the case. Finding one's Soul, which is an aspect of Deity, sets one upon a rock which the turbulent seas of doubt and change cannot wash away.

Documents, copies, papers, "parchments" or e-docs may be significant and play a role in settling issues, solving problems. 

"The rainbow's pot of gold" may seem far off, yet faith permits us to hold on to our dreams. Destiny is not always unfavorable!

Whom does one trust? It is not good to doubt everyone. Friends who have been good to you ought to be relied upon. 

The union of contrary types requires adaptability, and this you have. A more austere kind of love links even those who may not be outwardly demonstrative.

Mercury sextile Venus, the sun sextile Mars in Taurus, and other factors could make one feel like "A child of about five with a huge shopping bag." Yet one's expectations need a bit of adult sobriety, for one remains alone in some ways unless one finds the internal link to Soul which is also a link to All. Then the outward treasure, the pot of gold, could remain yet have a more refined meaning.

{Tuesday} /Aloneness as Illusion\

Cosmic Piper

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