Sunday, February 3, 2019

Message for Monday 4 February 2019

Monday 4 February 2019

}Following a Favorable Wind{

Moon in Aquarius
New Moon of Aquarius occurs at 1:05p PT | 4:05p ET | 9:05p UT

The New Moon is a sort of germinating process in our psyches. Did you notice that on Saturday and Sunday you were quieter than usual, maybe wanting extra rest, maybe dropping an exercise routine if you have one? I dropped mine and often do in the final days of an Old Moon, just before the New. It seems the body wants to retreat at those times. Of course, the SuperBowl players can't rest, and so on, so there is nothing absolute about it, but I believe extra rest is good at those times when possible. (Or maybe the team that rested before the game would do better than the one that exercised? Interesting.) You may feel that lassitude (which is neither laddytude nor latitude) today, also, even for some hours after the New Moon. The transition is gradual, not abrupt.

One might be uncertain, vacillating, not sure of direction, therefore wasting a lot of time going back and forth. It might be good to determine which direction the wind is blowing and stay with that direction for a while.

Changes may feel like trials. One is trying to regain composure amid struggles to maintain one's well-being. Yet in the midst of this one starts to feel fresh hints of good fortune, "An open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia." Life's munificence is blessing you from one direction or another. 

One does not have to investigate the whole world, or keep moving from one habitat to another, in order to be at a frontier of living. There are hints of gain from being in a different location, but exploring it would take time. A climate that is warmer may appeal. Meanwhile a fire or furnace may be significant. A friend's plans for moving or traveling may be tangled with yours. 

At a deeper level, you may feel you need to commemorate some tradition in which you have faith, by recognizing its trials and tribulations and doing something to improve its prospects. A "stained glass window," damaged, can be repaired. Giving thought to a cause like that could straighten out a tendency to drift and then make things better for you personally as well. 

{Monday}  {Following a Favorable Wind}

Cosmic Piper

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