Monday, February 11, 2019

Message for Tuesday 12 February 2019

Tuesday 12 February 2019

\Cognizant of the Needs of All/

Moon in Taurus
/moon goes void-of-course at 2:27p PT | 5:27p ET | 10:27p UT

Something about government servants or people in authority comes up. There needs to be veneration for something greater than human government if we are not to lose our way. We should join "the celestial choir" to sing the Kingdom of Heaven into earth.

There is fear of "secret enemies," in some of us. Or perhaps we need to realize that we can make enemies unconsciously by our attitudes. Again, it is better to join the "celestial choir" and sing the praises of the One who can protect us.

Some seem to be bending down under the burden of their mission, which involves teaching or expressing things without much reward. Yet they continue, and give a rich treasury of leaning to others. 

"Men cutting through ice" is obviously appropriate for many parts of the country. We should not stop working to procure what we need just because we are in a foul mood or fear rejection (Venus conjunct Saturn closer by the day). The needs of friends may be more intense than we realize and so we should be patient with them. 

We may fear that we are indistinguishable from millions of others, as if part of "a large group of pheasants." Yet there are illimitable variations in the size, shape and coloring of each bird, and even more individuality in human beings, which we should not overlook, while still taking comfort that we are part of the mass and not alone in our problems. 

It is given to some to have authority over others in some way and in some capacity. Being trustworthy in positions requiring secrecy is extra important. 

{Tuesday}  /Cognizant of the Needs of All\

Cosmic Piper

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