Friday, June 15, 2018

Answer to Question about Void-of-Course

Nan, I'm surprised that you haven't noticed the thousands of words I have written about this and posted here, almost every time there is a void of course. I try to explain it somewhat differently each time based on other aspects also. 

But in general: Things are unusual, for good or bad. There is no absolute formula for what to do. Watch these times carefully to figure out how to use them. 

We want freedom during these times! So we may drop usual schedules and try something novel. Will that help or hurt? It could go either way. 

Generally If you want to schedule a meeting or conference or negotiating session, it could be a bad time for that. People may not know what they really want. They might agree to something and then back out. 

Also, trying something new, if you want it to be long lasting or have a future, could be futile. Example: I set up an Instagram account a week ago on a day the moon was void of course all day. I thought, good time to try something novel and it doesn't matter if it fails. Well, it was wonderful for a few days; I had 17 followers out of nowhere. Then one day the account was gone. I tried recovering it multiple ways and with different browsers but nothing worked. I set up another account on another v of c day and it is still there but I have only two followers and feel it to be a waste of my time. This is one thing that can happen in v of c. 

But it can be good for (a) routine things which rarely go wrong and (b) outre, out of bounds things you want to try for the sheer fun of it (but probably not roller coaster rides). I am writing this during a v of course period on Friday in a bar, but I am very sober! Thanks for the question, Nan.

P. S.  Another example: on Friday Luna was void of course almost all day. I was very angry about a situation and wanted to write an angry letter. But remembering the v of c I restrained myself. Now I am seeing better ways to go about it, after the moon has entered Leo. Knowing of the v of c saved me from a possible disaster. 

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