Monday, June 9, 2014

Forecast: Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 June 2014

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Sun in Gemini; Moon in Scorpio; Foci in 6, Service, Work and Health and 7, Partnership or Competition   *

Moon leaves the Via Combusta at 6:29a PT | 9:29a ET | 1:29p UT   **
/moon goes void-of-course at 7:22p PT | 10:22p ET | 2:22a(W) UT   *

{Tuesday} ~Savvy and Critical Yet Tolerant and Understanding~

One can estimate others, their values and skills,
And strangle their weaknesses, or be tolerant;
To lead someone stupid requires a certain assurance;
Yet favored ones standing alone give friendly counsel. 

Somebody wants to be amused, tossing coins in a cup
Of gamble; he can get what he wants if he works and escapes
From his work with the booty. Yet too relaxed,
Trusting in luck, he drops manful labor and loses too much.

This does not have to be the reality! It is only a warning. People are likely to feel quite depressed, and aware of their past "sins" or errors which have put them in a difficult place or position. But life goes on. By evening, just before the moon goes void-of-course (see above), you may sense, through reading perhaps, what is missing and needs to be corrected.

Song of the day:  Flaws by Bastille
This hits the day perfectly.

{Tuesday} ~Savvy and Critical Yet Tolerant and Understanding~

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Sun in Gemini; Moon in Sagittarius; Foci in 6, Magic or Service (service is magic!) and 7, Partnership or Competition (a partner competes with you in some ways, which is hard to perceive when you are in love)

/moon void-of-course *
until it enters Sagittarius at 8:24a PT | 11:24a ET | 3:24p UT   **
|Karmically difficult third of this week| ends at 4:31p PT | 7:31p ET | 11:31p UT   ***

^Trusting in Recovery^

Everyone wants to depend on someone else whom he or she perceives as (almost) an enemy! We need these opposites to ourselves. So we fall in love with them. Yet they are opposites--and so we sense that they are inimical to us.  Such is the peculiar reality of human love, most of the time. There is nothing wrong with it--it is what we need to go through. Verbum sapienti sat est.

Today there is definite luck from associating with someone in a restaurant, coffee shop, or bar--you will know what this means when you are out and about in a place which feels like a home away from home. Even if the connection is indefinite or remote, it will still be meaningful.

People love themselves and are trying to make that self-love other-love by displaying themselves. This can work, or not. Meanwhile there is patronage and alliance. So you could connect with someone helpful to you, no matter what your doubts about him or her.

You can keep dragging people toward what you believe is best for them--even if they are physically remote from you. This may succeed, but give it time.

Someone lovely and alone, yet not alone, could influence you helpfully even if you feel she or he is aloof and not interested in you. That could be partly an illusion. We are illusions to one another (until the moment of real interpersonal understanding--which is rare).

Song of the day:  Shell Games by Bright Eyes
This is one of my favorite groups--their work could be called Punk but it is more than that. Conor Oberst is a genius. This song could fit the peculiarities of the day.

It is hard to keep pushing toward what you really want when it seems you are lost in darkness. There is enchantment in your dreams, and this could enchant others, at some point, even if only subtly now. 

If things seem futile, realize this is partly in the nature of the reality of our earth and its denizens at this moment. It is not an eternal destiny, just a seeming. You may seem to be going backward, or others may seem to be doing that. You will recover, and they will recover. 

{Wednesday} ^Trusting in Recovery^

Cosmic Piper

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