Thursday, June 19, 2014

Forecast: Friday 20 and Saturday 21 June 2014

Friday 20 June 2014

Sun in Gemini; Moon in Aries; Foci in 10, Honor or Career and 3, Neighbors or Communication

Moon on course   **

^Lonely Work; Attempted Persuasion or Seduction^

The Grand Square is with us again because Mars has moved into a renewed square with Jupiter (after receding from it during its retrogradation). And Luna accentuates that configuration today. Pressure to perform, to live up to one's hopes or plans, is one solid meaning of this; with a likelihood of "too may irons in the fire" so that it is wise to select carefully what to put first (especially because of the retrograde Mercury). The pressure comes from both inside and outside.

Soliciting and giving peace and comfort to those in one's immediate neighborhood is a good uplifting potential. Someone also may do this for you. There is some worry about money or costs, or a feeling of failure in that regard, yet deliverance is at hand through whatever negotiations need to be made. Hard, humble work is a good thing, granting self-respect as well as subsistence. Some of it is done alone, with a taciturn, self-contained attitude. You know what you need to do even if others don't get it. 

There's a touch of vanity, of reaching for the clouds, wanting things seductive yet pointless. Of course this makes life colorful, so is not all bad, but could lead to circular meandering or questing like a dog chasing its tail. And someone very seductive could be doing the same, with you as victim or willing participant, so that you realize you are being used through persuasion, perhaps deception, and yet don't mind, so interesting is the scene and its entertainment of wild hopes. 

Song of the day:  Mmm Yeah by Austin Mahone with Pitbull

{Friday} ^Lonely Work; Attempted Persuasion or Seduction^

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 21 July 2014

Sun in Cancer; Moon in Aries-->Taurus; Foci in 10, Position or Honor and 3, Communication and Neighbors   ***

/moon goes void-of-course at 3:25p PT | 6:25p ET | 10:25p UT   **
until it enters Taurus at 8:04p PT | 11:04p ET | 3:04a(Su) UT   ***

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week begins at 8:35p PT | 11:35p ET | 3:35a(Su) UT   **

^Just Don't Care?^

You are not alone if you find your plans in limbo. This is Mercury Retrograde. It is hard to make definite, firm plans at such a time. One tends to be uncertain, and at worst feels that nothing is reliable or likely to work out as hoped, so why bother? Sometimes it is wise to heed that instinct; for example, I just read about the new Fire smartphone to be made available by Amazon in a month, and after feeling excited at first, decided it was not a good idea (the monthly plan with AT&T for $60 a month is not a great deal). If you can't postpone a decision until July (Mercury turns direct on the 1st), then you have to do the best you can, perhaps informing people that a decision is tentative.

With Mars opposing Uranus there is a tendency to go it alone, to be self-reliant and individually enterprising or venturesome in a self-contained manner. You may not feel that others understand what you are doing or why. Therefore there could be pugnacious situations when people oppose you, or seem to, or when you evoke opposition by a pugnacious attitude. There is a tendency to shirk responsibilities, avoid paying, or go further into debt. Of course that makes for costs at a later date. "Easy come, easy go" is not a smart basic philosophy of money--unless the "come" for you is in fact extremely easy. 

There are pleasant possibilities, sweet sharing with people in a simple benevolent manner which gives everyone comfort. It's the first day of summer, and you may feel a summer-like blessing of contentment. There are plenty of good things to appreciate. Some things come to an end, or seem to, while Mercury is retrograde--some which have outlived their usefulness. This gives you a respite which allows deeper musing on the meaning of it all. 

Some signals, including the Grand Square in cardinal signs, point to a desire to be tyrannous, to compel people, rule or command them or punish them if they rebel. Of course this is usually immature and wrong, unless you are in some position of authority requiring such action. Indications in the previous paragraph can come to the rescue.

Song of the day:  Honestly by Hot Chelle Rae
Actually Venus opposite Saturn ends today! This song could be a cure for any left-over Venus-Saturn feelings. "Honestly I just don't care . . . "

{Saturday} ^Just Don't Care?^

Cosmic Piper

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