Thursday, June 5, 2014

Forecast: Friday 6 and Saturday 7 June 2014

Friday 6 June 2014

Sun in Gemini; Moon in Virgo-->Libra; Foci in 4, Home or Foundation and 9, Travel or Comprehension   ****

/moon goes void-of-course at 2:14a PT | 5:14a ET | 9:14a UT   ***
until it enters Libra at 7:02p PT | 10:02p ET | 2:02a(Sa) UT   ****

\Shrewdly Doing or Not-Doing/

Some insights into the Dark Hermetic Epoch (May 23-July 16) especially because the heart of that period, the Mercury Retrograde cycle, is almost upon us (beginning Saturday until July 7): People retire, or give up, or want out, or drop something, even something they have been doing for a long time. (I was told yesterday that someone wants relief from a task she had done as a volunteer for a few years.) OR, alternatively, they feel like doing that but take a step back, regroup, and decide to carry on but in a somewhat different way. That is usually the wiser course. Rather than quit the job, you do it somewhat differently or with a different schedule. Rather than end the relationship, you let it slide into a different phase, which could be unsettling at first but then rewarding. 

People meet or communicate with those they have not connected with for a long time. All these things are happening now, during the DHE, not just beginning Saturday. (The speed of Mercury is as important as its direction.) Yesterday a friend spent half the day with his mother whom he had not seen in many months. DHE. He bought an item in a thrift store which he loves and keeps referring to as "very old." DHE. The past, either one's personal past or the ancient historical past, come alive during these times. (I find myself listening to Glenn Gould playing Bach and Beethoven [decades ago] rather than current pop songs.) All this is happening for us now and it can be wonderful, thrilling, mind-opening, mind-expanding and heart-fulfilling if we appreciate it in the right way. It is because all this is happening in our inner consciousness that we often feel we don't want to keep up with our usual work schedules. Yet we must do those essentials, so it is always either a compromise or a fresh balancing point between necessary responsibilities and free-wheeling exploration of the past or present or (perhaps) future. It can be done and I hope what I write here will help.

Another major indicator now is Venus's opposition with Saturn, which began Thursday. More about that in tomorrow's report.

Song of the day: Empire by Shakira
This is in celebration of Venus quintile Jupiter though quincunx Mars, while the moon is void-of-course. Maybe it's a stupid crass song but something in it catches me. 

His attitude is proud, fretful, peevish, wanting all
To kowtow. A bird singing next door lifts the mood
Toward prophecy, poetry, hope. We justify
Ourselves as best we can; gain ultimate favor.

Things are spilled through carelessness, a trust
In luck instead of cultured destiny. Some specialize
In what makes sense to them, serving themselves
And others wisely till they shrewdly gain the world.

The foregoing could be too ambitious on a day when the moon is void-of-course. We do what we can. Most will want the weekend to begin early.

{Friday} /Shrewdly Doing or Not-Doing\

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 7 June 2014

Sun in Gemini; Moon in Libra; Foci in 4, Home or Foundation and 9, Understanding or Travel

Moon on course   ***
Mercury is stationary, turning retrograde at 4:58a PT | 7:58a ET | 11:58a UT

}Love of My Dreams?{

Some nice minor aspects add up, in my calculus, to three stars, even though Mercury has turned retrograde and Venus is opposing Saturn (by 7 degrees today and getting closer). This aspect is one of the tougher ones, especially to the emotions. I call it the "Nobody loves me" aspect, or maybe the "Who loves me?" aspect. (It goes on until the 21st by normal orb.) It is all too easy to be suspicious of anyone and everyone. It is all too easy to be "bored" with old friends rather than realize how much they really mean. So it is good to make allowance for that. Everybody is feeling it and that explains why some seem remote or touchy.

|Saturn opposite Venus blues|:                   {Remedy}:

|Nobody loves me.|                                     {They feel the same way. Commiserate.}
|Oh, you love me! Like you love pizza or marmalade. Are you going to digest me?|
{ Oh, you love me! I'll try to believe it. Yes, at times. You don't always express love convincingly. Okay, I will keep faith that your love will blossom again.}
|Everything is boring, nothing is worth doing.|   {There are always deeper facets to appreciate.}
|People are stuck in the same old habits, annoying me again.| {They can't help it. And they see you as "stuck in the same old habits, annoying me again." Maybe some humor? Or kindness? Or prayer?} 
And so on . . . 

Song of the day:  Just Threw Out the Love of My Dreams by Weezer

They are sleeping, devoid of interest and energy
In the heat of the day. They have no ammunition or smartphone.
A beautiful woman befriends them, giving them justification
For the mission they almost forgot. Who could argue?

With six mandalas, six totems, six talismans
We work our soi-disant magic. Miners escape
From their underground prison to rejoin their
Sweet wives and children in concord and peace.

Oh, it was a soldier who escaped, or was rescued by his government--and everyone is upset? When we are in the Dark Hermetic Epoch, many do not think straight. Others think deep, and deeper, and that is much better.

{Saturday}  {Love of My Dreams?}

Cosmic Piper

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