Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Forecast: Thursday 12 and Friday 13 June 2014

Thursday 12 June 2014

Sun in Gemini; Moon in Sagittarius; Foci in 6, Magic or Work and 7, Partnership or Competition   ***

/moon goes void-of-course at 9:13p PT | 12:13a(F) ET | 4:13a(F) UT   **
Full Moon of Gemini-Sagittarius occurs at that exact moment

^Suspicious Contacts Get Friendlier^

As I write on Tuesday, the |difficult third of this week| is still with us and this morning I find in the headlines:

Student, Gunman Dead in Oregon High School Shooting
Militants Overrun Iraq's Second-Largest City As Government Forces Flee
'Terrible accident' recounted in 911 tapes of Tracy Morgan crash
Friendly fire kills 5 US troops in Afghanistan
Insurgents Attack Pakistani Airport Again 

I keep alerting you to these times because as a matter of fact more disturbing or tragic incidents occur during them. People "lose it" as in the killer-and-killed student and those responsible for killing their own men in Afghanistan. I shall continue to report these times even though very few have acknowledged how helpful it is to know them. If you do not find them meaningful, you are not paying attention. We are out of this period for this week but I shall report it dutifully next week (some of Sunday, all of Monday and some of Tuesday). 

We have quite a few good "minor" aspects today and hence a three-star rating for the moon-on-course period, despite Venus's exact opposition with Saturn. I hope you are learning something about facing and relating to old friends, family, and others with whom your lot is cast. That is exactly what Venus-Saturn in its good side can mean:  "My lot is cast with this person, these individuals, and so I have to be loyal and make the best of it, for them and me, even though I don't always feel like going to all the trouble that entails." It seems sometimes that we did not choose those with whom we have the most constant connections--even a mate, occasionally. But who else is there, realistically? The pop singer, actor or actress you like? They are good for inspiration, but they are not your "test of love." We have the friends, family and associates we do for a reason. With Venus quintile Mars and enjoying other good "minor" aspects, and the Full Moon, there should be a definite up side to making the effort of loyalty.

Time in a restaurant could be interesting. It's a home away from home. In your job you prepare something which someone else consumes (not necessarily food but a service or other item). You distribute ideas or items of information in a busy way which may get a favorable response even if delayed. 

People stick to their own paths with indomitable self-reliance. At the same time, they are open to helpful, friendly, generous influence or assistance. 

Is there a Utopia anywhere? Some try to build one. Often they fail, or succeed only to a tempting tiny degree. You could be in touch with or learn from someone who has done that. 

It is enchanting to be simple and childlike. One can do this in work and study as well as in personal self-expression. To be as a child is a wonderful release and enhances one's incipient talents. It is well to remember that when strife threatens to erupt (Mars square Pluto approaching exactness, as has been evident in the headlines above). People do seem to disagree! That "seem" hints that all-harmony in the background is trying to find its chords and resolutions to get beyond the discords. Meanwhile the wrestle of enemies may turn into an embrace of differences, a wary kiss of brotherhood or sisterhood. 

Song of the day: I Hope You Find It by Cher
A soulful blessing from Cher's maturity, this catches the deeper side of Venus opposite Saturn, exact today while the moon is sleek.

{Thursday} ^Suspicious Contacts Get Friendlier^

Cosmic Piper

Friday 13 June 2014

Sun in Gemini; Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn; Foci in 7, Competition or Partnership and 6, Work or Adjustment

/moon void-of-course   **
until it enters Capricorn at 10:06a PT | 1:06p ET | 5:06p UT   ***

 \Liberating Contemplation/

Ease of life is with us. This could be decadent. With the moon in Capricorn, sign of self-respect, you will want to keep up with duties, but a lot of easeful tendencies could defeat that good intention.

A happy side of the ease is contemplation--wouldn't a lot of us like to live a contemplative life, given over to study, thought and pondering? This would be a heaven for some, realizable partly today.

This can be unpretentious, as if one had one's personal world to live in, looking out on the rest with absorbed interest but freedom from attachment or obligation.

One is elevated toward what is striking in one's own personality and power.

What is needed seems supplied without trouble, so there can be indolence amounting at worst to incompetence. Of course it is better to attend to at least minimal duties.

But then . . . the freedom of unlimited contemplation of the glories and beauties bestowed by G*d upon the world! As if given over to the kaleidoscopic coloring of bubbles and rainbows.

A troubled side of things could be one's awareness of what "might have been" if one had been more diligent in some plan or career. And of course, with Venus opposing Saturn, what "might have been" in love . . . 

What we have is enough.

Song of the day: Beautiful You by Courtney Kenny
This lovely cabaret song captures the wistfulness and helpless devotion of Venus opposite Saturn at its best. Available only on Spotify or Rdio

Alternative song of the day: Numb/Encore by Jay-Z and Linkin Park
This is almost the opposite of the former song, but it gets the irony-cum-need-for- respect, plus despairing love, of the moon in Capricorn while Venus opposes Saturn.

{Friday} /Liberating Contemplation\

Cosmic Piper

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