Thursday, May 1, 2014

Forecast: Thursday 1 and Friday 2 May 2014

Thursday 1 May 2014

Sun in Taurus; Moon in Gemini; Foci in 2, Possessions and 11, Friendship and Hopes   ****

/moon goes void-of-course at 4:33p PT | 7:33p ET | 11:33p UT   ***

}Recovering Momentum{

The four stars may be over-optimistic, but the Grand Square is loosening slightly and the sun in forming a trine with Pluto, Jupiter a trine (later) with Saturn. Still, with Mercury opposing Saturn, it is a serious day for getting things done which require clear and honest thinking. The formula:

I am conquering problems, and foes, with panache, and a prismatic power to measure things clearly and validate them for those who need that validation. Yet my ambitions are modest, for I see that the ordinary is what is bringing gradual fulfillment.

She seems incompetent and lazy, though colorful and pleasant. She studies a manuscript with difficulty hoping to get control of its complexities. A mechanical, precise approach helps her focus and find workable answers.

Each one of them has some individual genius which makes her or him stand out from the rest. Yet they try other things, too many, and get confused and vexed. They could escape from this by being confident in their individual gifts and using them persistently.

Song of the day: Angels by Within Temptation

You are active and restless, turbulent and perhaps shallow--unless you have been so isolated and adrift in the past that you learned how to be patient and turn difficult destiny around. You visualize what you want and can cooperate with others to get it if you keep faith with potentialities.

We are mysterious to ourselves. We try to get mental control of things through various systems, some of them based on a fourfold structure or analysis. Those of us who seem self-centered and worldly may contain qualities more profound than appears on the surface. We need to let mysteries (including those of others' personalities) be mysteries in order to appreciate them fully and benefit from what they could reveal. 

Abilities do not seem to keep up with advantages, for him. He does not sense just when or how to use his best qualities successfully. He enjoys the lighter side of things, beauty and happiness, while clarifying things with individuals with whom he needs to consult or negotiate. Such discussions have value in showing a better path. There is much to enjoy while he gets his bearings.

{Thursday} {Recovering Momentum}

Cosmic Piper

Friday 2 May 2014

Sun in Taurus; Moon in Gemini; Foci in 2, Possessions and 11, Friendship and Hopes

/moon void-of-course   **
until it enters Cancer at 11:14p PT | 2:14a(Sa) ET | 6:14a(Sa) UT   ***

}Disassociation Conquered by True Discernment{

She is self-willed and passionate. She is watchful and careful but unanticipated events require her to study even more deeply into their logic so she can finally get her way. 

They are able to reason carefully and analyze details, both practically and financially, yet they feel melancholy because of some great loss or imagined loss. Specialized knowledge gained from an authoritative source would help them grapple with minute details so as to encompass their destiny more solidly.

You may be responding superficially to your environment and dreaming about changing it rather than getting down to what is essential. You could be self-assertive in a pointless way. Handling the baggage of your life is required, in an industrious manner, to make everything more truly beautiful. 

When we draw a blank, we are at a transition point and there is not a lot to do but wait and ponder. Life is mysterious. We aspire to what is best yet are drawn to what is base or instinctive. It is good to rely upon a traditional teaching which makes sense to us and seems to point the way, up to the time when something mysterious and new gets its due and debut.

The country with its flocks and herds plays a role in his consciousness. He wants to guide as a shepherd yet may need guidance himself. A selfish streak comes out as a desire to chase someone else and get what he has. This can happen outwardly or as inner covetousness. He adventures as if a gypsy. 

Song of the day:  Blue Moon by Beck

The trials I am facing seem horrendous. Where is stability, what is holding my life fast; is everything falling apart? What is my end? I need to be tenacious, and conquer my enemies, that is, circumstances which seem upsetting. I can discern what is real and rely on it. Then I do not feel any longer that I have no control of my destiny. 

{Friday} {Disassociation Conquered by True Discernment}

Cosmic Piper

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