Monday, March 26, 2012

Forecast: Tuesday, Wednesday, early Thursday, March 27-19, 2012

Sun in Aries and Moon in Gemini, 2012

Beginning Tuesday 27 March at 3:44a PT | 6:44a ET | 10:44a UT
through Wednesday 28 March
/moon goes void-of-course Thursday 29 at 11:06a PT | 2:06p ET | 6:06p UT
until Luna enters Cancer Thursday at 4:08p PT | 7:08p ET | 11:08p UT

}The Easy and Humble Conquer the Harsh{

The plot thickens. The forming T-square of the Mars-Neptune opposition with Venus smells like romance. This could be confusing, unsettling, exhilarating, or all three. Venus from her throne in Taurus is sole dispositor of the seven anciently utilized planets. Her square with Mars suggests drama in love, too much of it, because with Mercury and Mars retrograde old love affairs may revive in surprising ways. Old disputes or differences re-emerge, to seem not really so bad in the rays of maturity's hindsight. There could be motion and travel in interesting directions, a subconscious seeking with surprisingly exalting twists and turns. The travail of being misunderstood is not a glory all savor, yet has its charm when one deigns to be noble about it, and perhaps to concede that one may be misunderstanding the loved one as well. Such humility feeds a more humble, realistic and lucid love.

There may be questions about where you are headed physically, that is, in travel or home change. Various alternatives are available and you need to choose. Your would like your deep soul-destiny to determine the outcome. You are tired of thrown-together choices and locations which do not manifest ultimate purpose.

This last is hard to determine, or you prefer not to try, because it seems inescapably mysterious, or as unfathomable as G*d's plan for the universe and the human race. Therefore you may be content to remain an unanswerable riddle to others and yourself.

Yet in thoughtful moments you sense that you could be a prophet, agitator, activist, for you are weary of old structures which seem to repress whatever is profound and meaningful in the human spirit. Perhaps while Mercury and Mars are retrograde (the former turning direct April 4) you should let yourself ponder such matters so that your inner self may arrive gradually at answers which cannot be leapt toward but have to be labored toward as a butterfly works out from a chrysalis. Meanwhile, there is beauty in many revelations which come to you.

Where does it all end? is a question billions have pondered through the millennia. Certainly there must be a collective wisdom and "answer" to the question, although at this point I shall not point out my particular routes (for I have more than one, though bundled by One) to the answer. It is certainly important not to lose hope. Despair could be a hurtful undertow.

One can distinguish between what changes continually, the fluctuating scenes, and what remains the same--one's Self or Soul, the Atman, the even-greater and ever-greater Supreme. When anchored to That, life's merry-go-round is not a limbo but a pastime. Wave to those on the other side.

One could be cool and collected, at peace--or too proud. Such pride is a danger, stemming from a desire to get to the answer, the conclusion of one's living and hope, too quickly. A proud man or woman is an unripe fruit, bitter. He or she causes discord unknowingly because unable to bend, smile, and let someone else be what seems inimical but is not. If you accept aid, and we all do, you can let those who offer it (willingly or otherwise) be what they are, gracefully. Otherwise you could be swept away by the winds which break the brittle branch but caress the flexible one.

{Tuesday, Wednesday, early Thursday} {The Easy and Humble Conquer the Harsh}

Cosmic Piper

"We would urge you, brothers, to admonish the careless, encourage the faint-hearted, support the weak, and to be very patient with them all."

"Do not stifle inspiration, and do not despise prophetic utterances, but bring them all to the test and then keep what is good in them and avoid the bad of whatever kind."

"Be always joyful; pray continually; give thanks whatever happens; for this is what God in Christ wills for you."

--St. Paul, I Thessalonians 5: 14, 19-22, 16-18 (New English Bible)

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