Monday, March 19, 2012

Forecast: Late Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, March 19-21

Sun in Aries and Moon in Pisces, 2012

Beginning Monday 19 March at 5:06p PT | 8:06p ET | 12:06a(Tu) UT
through Tuesday 20 March
/moon goes void-of-course Wednesday 21 at 1:40a PT | 4:40a ET | 8:40a UT
until Luna enters Aries Thursday 22 at 2:58a PT | 5:58a ET | 9:58a UT

~Preparing a Spring~

Watch out for the whole day of moon void-of-course, Wednesday. Good for easygoing things and usual routines. Not good for anything speculative, doubtful, or dangerous. For example, if doing taxes, go ahead on Wednesday if you wish but then double-check everything after the moon enters Aries and is no longer void-of-course (Thursday after the time given).

People feel Spring springing, and that is good. The inner optimism may not have a clear outer channel, because we are in the final days of the Old Moon. Yet Tuesday should be a good social day, and also for income or finances. I would say, do and enjoy as much as you can Tuesday and let things go on Wednesday, except for routine work and the like.

Working for others and oneself is not the same as having ambition to rise above others and oneself. The former is favored now.

However, you feel randy, strong, ready to take on the world, a gift of Aries the sign of Mars and the Ram. Enjoy and savor that feeling, sensing how it will work out (better after Mercury turns direct on April 4, most likely). Trying to manifest that energy and optimism prematurely could bring disappointment.

Others also feel randy and tough, so there is the possibility of strife. Well, competition is fine, rather than violence in acts or feelings. Everyone has a chance to win some contest, while losing or forgoing others. Your special skill is yours to use and win by; you don't have to worry about the rest.

Some may feel angry and hurtful. People or animals could be the brunt of their anger. (We have had too much of that lately.) Farm animals, on the huge agribusiness so-called "farms," factory farms, are horribly mistreated, to the point of torture. This ought not to be happening in a nation of those who claim to love animals. If you eat the corpses of animals, or feed them to your pet, you might want to contact and support Farm Sanctuary. Also it might be good to tell NPR you want information about the conditions on factory farms and how animals there are treated.

Learning new things, as a child to whom the world is fresh, as if for the first time, is wonderful. You may have assistance in doing that, and give assistance. Life is a cooperative project we are learning together.

Many of your thoughts may be brilliant, and you are using your mental powers in amazing ways, although the world may not know what you are doing and you are wise enough not to try to explain. While Mercury is retrograde, it is hard enough to understand oneself and one's inner processes (as in dreams) without asking anyone else to do so.

Beginning with the next period, which includes the New Moon early on, more definite and practical things may have a greener light: while the earth, its buds and flora, become greener.

{Late Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday} Preparing a Spring

Cosmic Piper

"Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me. Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child."
--Psalm 131: 1-2

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