Friday, March 16, 2012

Forecast: Saturday, Sunday, Monday, March 17-19

Sun in Pisces and Moon in Aquarius, 2012

Beginning Saturday 17 March at 9:13a PT | 12:13p ET | 4:13p UT
through Sunday 18 March
/moon goes void-of-course Monday 19 at 1:32p PT | 4:32p ET | 8:32p UT
until Luna enters Pisces Monday at 5:06p PT | 8:06p ET | 12:06a(Tu) UT

}Spiritual and Natural Culture{

When otherwise easy aspects seem harsh, one suspects factors such as Mercury being retrograde. We are in its retrograde cycle and as pointed out endlessly, things get complex or confusing at those times. One backtracks, gets involved in old things, old methods, old memories. I am re-trying astrological methods I worked with years ago and salvaging what is good in them. Others in other fields are doing the same.

As said in the latest report, Neptune in Pisces for the next thirteen years favors spiritistic communications. This is doubled when Mercury is retrograde (until April 4). People turn to old connections and to the ever-living "dead." I had two very vivid dreams in the past 24 hours which felt strongly like real connections with people passed from this world who were important to me. Describing them here would be too personal, but they were intense, convincing, and moving. Psychic phenomena always increase in the Dark Hermetic Epoch.

Working out your finances is favored. The grand trine in earth signs is favoring that. Whatever has not been done can be done. Some of us may be mapping out tax returns. Others will link with individuals who could be good for their careers.

Techniques, thoughts, writings are important. Sunday could be a good day for a church service or spiritual meeting. St Patrick's Day, Saturday, need not be a drunken brawl but can be elevating with or without a modicum of brew.

"Sorting" is a good word for some of what happens when Mercury is retrograde. I was sorting through boxes of papers to find a document I needed. No such luck; I have to send away for it. I spent hours today sorting through old astrological techniques. I spoke with an old friend and that was reassuring.

We have gotten through what appears to have been the worst of the emotional storm many experienced, the epicenter of which was the killings in Afghanistan last Sunday. In my life this was harshness in personal relations, continued through Monday and the rest of the week but lessening as I write and probably better on the weekend. You have faced a conflict and learned something from it. Let us hope the healing is proceeding.

The changes happening in your career inspire you to find a sort of mechanical expertise, a way of doing things based on a rulebook or set of principles and schedules. That can be helpful when taken, as all such things need to be taken, with a grain of salt, yet used to the hilt because it is a helpful framework.

Nature is starting to become friendlier (in the Northern Hemisphere), and being out in it can develop your psychic capacities. We relate to television, computers, and books rather than to trees, water-courses, plants, clouds, and stars (including the sun). A little of the latter might help your inner life.

At times while Mercury is retrograde an absolute stillness is wonderful. It can be while you sleep or any time of the day you can be free of social interaction, isolated peacefully. Letting go is a way of tuning in to what destiny has prepared for you if you remain true to highest ideals.

Gardening or caring for growing things is emphasized again. This could be the time for it.

Looking into or designing the future is easier when you are reconciled as much as you can be to the best factors in your past.

Isolated moods have a function, drawing you closer to your inner spiritual source. Then you emerge out of worries with peace in your heart.

We all have a core of wisdom which others appreciate. We do not have to speak much to display sagacity; it oozes out when we are at peace with all. They will be drawn to what we share wordlessly by thoughts, gestures, facial expressions, our natural being. That does not mean we may not have gained such poise through study and spiritual culture.

{Saturday, Sunday, Monday} {Spiritual and Natural Culture}

Cosmic Piper

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