Friday, March 23, 2012

Forecast: Late Saturday, Sunday, Monday, March 24-27, 2012

Sun in Aries and Moon in Taurus, 2012

Beginning Saturday 24 March at 2:44p PT | 5:44p ET | 9:44p UT
through Sunday 25 and Monday 26 March
/moon goes void-of-course Monday at 9:36p PT |12:36a(Tu) ET | 4:36a(Tu) UT
until Luna enters Gemini Tuesday 27 at 3:44a PT | 6:44a ET | 10:44a UT

\The Useable and Useful/

I always have to feel I'm counseling people to be patient while Mercury is retrograde (until April 4). It can be frustrating to feel one is "almost there" in some ways, yet not there. And this might go double because the sun is with Uranus in the first (Mars) impatient decanate of Aries. Finances for most look good because of the grand trine in earth signs, although Venus is separating from it gradually. Whether this means a pause in the upward momentum of the stock market, I do not claim to know--as said frequently, I do not know how to predict the market's rise and fall and doubt that any astrologer does. "Too many variables" has to be the excuse, and I know that is disappointing for anyone who wants to get rich quick.

Perhaps Final Cause (the Will of Deity) prevents us from seeing how to do that through Formal Cause (the sciences of astrology, numerology, palmistry, cabalistic convergence, and so on). My guess is that the upward momentum of the economy shall continue, no matter how it may pause or slip back at times, because in less than a month the sun will join the aforesaid Grand Trine to make up for Venus's absence. Further, as of this period Venus (having a lot to do with financial fortunes) is sole dispositor of the seven anciently known planets. Even if stock prices should go down temporarily, I believe people will feel their personal economies to be in solid shape.

Because I have seen it to be reliable, I repeat my usual advice: Think, plan, develop strategies and tentative possibilities, but hold back somewhat from decisive implementation of them until Mercury goes direct (April 4) or even until the next Bright Hermetic Epoch of two months begins (April 23). Then you will be more sure of your conclusions.

However, old business, things which have been postponed and are necessary, can be handled well during this time. (Taxes could be one of them. Just now the mailman complained that the name on the mailbox was getting faded and unreadable, also the name was missing on the inside of the box, so I have to fix both. Another example of "old business," or "old trivia," which comes up at these times. Earlier today I had a phone call from someone who requires a verification of my new address. Ugh. More Mercury-retrograde backtracking, which in this case means a transaction delayed for a week).

More happily, reviewing the past and reviving old connections and friendships, internally or externally, is likewise favored. You may wonder what these relationships or connections mean and what they mean to the other person. Such doubt is normal. Good will and prayer are cures for interpersonal tension.

During this period you are restlessly seeking. What, is up to you, but the goal will keep changing so that you go hither and yon physically and mentally. Sometimes it would be better to stay home and do something useful there which you will enjoy. It gives a boost to morale when you organize possessions in living quarters. You can cut out some things or rearrange them.

What are the assumptions under which you labor? Some of them could be wrong (paragraphs 1 and 2). When you "review" things (one of the "re"trograde activities), look out for assumptions which could be mistaken. Further information could correct some blind spot of which you are unaware. It's easier to admit a mistake to oneself than to someone else. You can't injure your own pride unless you choose to. You could be proud of catching a probable error before it makes more trouble.

It's important to remember that ordinary labor is as useful as high-flying entrepreneurship. How could the entrepreneur do anything without the laborers at the "lowest" level, who actually get his products or services in commercial shape? We all serve others or ourselves, sometimes, at the level of drudgery. Such industry is strengthening to self-worth.

As for diversions, there could be plenty of those. You may bounce back and forth from work to diversions. Your purposes are serious, yet the cosmos provides entertainment along the way.

You may need to "get your hands dirty" rather than supervise people somewhat arrogantly. A boss or supervisor may feel he or she is in danger because of labor relations, that is, his or her ability to treat subordinates fairly yet firmly. Maybe you are the only one who can perceive that certain things need to be done. That is fine, so long as you don't come off as arrogant or demeaning.

Your home and yard, or neighborhood, are worth attention. You can put the natural world to sterling use. Beekeepers and gardeners, farmers and others in the green are preparing to utilize the earth's Spring season to the full. That spells gain through fruitful activity rather than mere luck.

{Late Saturday, Sunday, Monday} /The Useable and Useful\

Cosmic Piper

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