Saturday, March 31, 2012

Forecast: Sunday, Monday, early Tuesday, April 1-3, 2012

Sun in Aries and Moon in Leo, 2012

Beginning Sunday 1 April at 1:37a PT | 4:37a ET | 8:37a UT
through Monday 2 April
/moon goes void-of-course Tuesday 3 at 6:48a PT|9:48a ET|1:48p UT
until Luna enters Virgo Tuesday at 6:54a PT | 9:54a ET | 1:54p UT

*Drama and Pleasure in Service*

There is plenty of strength in you, if you adhere to what you want to accomplish. You rule through serving first, or, in current terms, "Service rules." This doesn't mean slavishness, for the sun is in Aries and the moon in Leo, signs of self-reliance, but these fire signs at their best embody the wisdom of a king who knows his kingdom is based on the well-being of his subjects.

Conflicts or tussles need not be grievous but may occur unexpectedly if anyone important to you takes dislike to you based on something you said or did which rankled. This would be the square between Mars and Venus. It can lend spice to the love life, but sado-masochism needs a very short leash.

I can't speak for you, but for me the Mercury-retrograde period (March 12 until April 4) has been harder in the past few days, with struggles to keep up with things which seemed to be slipping out of my hands. All this will not get better immediately on Wednesday but there may be signs of improvement by then. What you have struggled to get right is still incomplete, but little signs of gain are heartening.

What is emerging in your love life, or less passionate human connections? Much could be happening, experimentally, without a grand plan. Spontaneous developments in human relations or flirtations please you. Maybe somebody wants to be your love-slave. You dream, or day-dream, of those you have idealized either in the remote or the more immediate past. You might wake up realizing you have spent a few minutes recalling someone you loved, or visualizing or dreaming of something which may or may not have happened in connection with someone. This is a piece of a subconscious attempt to bring your relationships into a pattern which makes sense within your whole life-career (which, it is said, we perceive in its totality when we pass from this world). It includes not just major relationships but sometimes casually met strangers, entertainers, or animals.

Pondering several features of the chart, I see a danger of isolation through actions which hurt or alienate people. Younger people may be involved. Sometimes it is not possible to regain someone's good will, at least not for a long time. That is a schism to prevent if you can.

You might be locked into a situation where someone (boss, administrator, partner) treats you harshly or cruelly and you don't see how to escape. This could be a result of past karma, or of some need you have to learn certain lessons of forbearance. Only you can determine the answer. Probably patience is a major part of it, while we remain in the Dark Hermetic Epoch until April 23, for impatient actions or reactions before then are specially dangerous in their effects.

If that does not apply to you, you are blessed, and you might see these aspects working out as service performed by someone for you, or you for someone, with no harshness or injustice but merely the ordinary suffering of effort expended. As my Aunt Bernice used to say, "No rest for the wicked." But with Mars retrograde-to-stationary in Virgo, your work is gaining clarity, and eventually ease, through careful review and revision of how you do it.

{Sunday, Monday, early Tuesday} *Drama and Pleasure in Service*

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Forecast: Late Thursday, Friday, Saturday, March 29-31, 2012

Sun in Aries and Moon in Cancer, 2012

Beginning Thursday 29 March at 4:08p PT | 7:08p ET | 11:08p UT
through Friday 30 March
/moon goes void-of-course Sat-Sun 31-1 at 9:21pPT|12:21a(Su)ET|4:21a(Su)UT
until Luna enters Leo Sunday 1 April at 1:37a PT | 4:37a ET | 8:37a UT

~Fascinating World~

What have you been obsessed about lately? Something earthy and sensuous? Something designed to increase your magnetic powers over the other sex and your own? This kind of personal magic seems at a peak, a compulsion to strut, attract, be what is compelling and make people stick to you. It has something to do with the sun square Pluto and something to do with Venus at point focus between Mars and Neptune. It can be amazingly successful, dangerous, or both.

When alcohol or drugs figure in the mix is when things could go haywire.

A danger sign is when you sense you are denigrating people, either in your mind or verbally. This can lead to acts designed to make much of them by making little of them, that is, to use them rather than respect them. It is as if you were looking through the large end of a telescope and minimizing people rather than magnifying them. "Magnify the Lord," a favorite Bible passage, suggests a corollary, Magnify your neighbor, everyone around you, by appreciating their good points.

Sensing your power over people, you need to beware going the wrong way of those who use mischievous magic to hypnotize or manipulate--or, at worst, to harm. Fortunately, you are likely to realize this would be fruitless or hurtful to your own interests before it carries you away. Likewise, inadequate results in career matters, or postponement and delay, can be helpful when they shove you back to the drawing board to improve your agenda.

Many good aspects suggest you feel on a level with people, avoiding the above mistakes, so that you are fair-minded and enjoy treating others as you want to be treated: brothers of a fraternity or sisters of a sorority.

Your outlook is dreamy, perhaps naive; wonderfully hopeful that life can be better than ever. So you visualize even the monsters in your world turning into fairies or angels. The visualization itself will help them do it. Or they may remain monsters but bow to your will.

Friday may be easier than Saturday, although I wouldn't guarantee it. Saturday evening the moon will square Saturn, usually the hardest aspect of any week, but it will be sextile Venus and trine Mercury at the same time. So you may get leverage over whatever is bothering you, your worries. At least you should mix faith with them, an alchemical formula. Further, you should be aware of the beauty around you and the beauty in people. When it seems absent you can "magnify" what little there is and it will expand. Even criticism, oddly enough, is an attempt to be kind. No matter what the appearance, people want to be kind and treated kindly.

The resources you have are the ones you can use. Somehow using even a little, spending thriftily, is more than enough, while success spills out of the cosmos into a pocket you had forgotten.

{Late Thursday, Friday, Saturday} ~Fascinating World~

Cosmic Piper

Monday, March 26, 2012

Forecast: Tuesday, Wednesday, early Thursday, March 27-19, 2012

Sun in Aries and Moon in Gemini, 2012

Beginning Tuesday 27 March at 3:44a PT | 6:44a ET | 10:44a UT
through Wednesday 28 March
/moon goes void-of-course Thursday 29 at 11:06a PT | 2:06p ET | 6:06p UT
until Luna enters Cancer Thursday at 4:08p PT | 7:08p ET | 11:08p UT

}The Easy and Humble Conquer the Harsh{

The plot thickens. The forming T-square of the Mars-Neptune opposition with Venus smells like romance. This could be confusing, unsettling, exhilarating, or all three. Venus from her throne in Taurus is sole dispositor of the seven anciently utilized planets. Her square with Mars suggests drama in love, too much of it, because with Mercury and Mars retrograde old love affairs may revive in surprising ways. Old disputes or differences re-emerge, to seem not really so bad in the rays of maturity's hindsight. There could be motion and travel in interesting directions, a subconscious seeking with surprisingly exalting twists and turns. The travail of being misunderstood is not a glory all savor, yet has its charm when one deigns to be noble about it, and perhaps to concede that one may be misunderstanding the loved one as well. Such humility feeds a more humble, realistic and lucid love.

There may be questions about where you are headed physically, that is, in travel or home change. Various alternatives are available and you need to choose. Your would like your deep soul-destiny to determine the outcome. You are tired of thrown-together choices and locations which do not manifest ultimate purpose.

This last is hard to determine, or you prefer not to try, because it seems inescapably mysterious, or as unfathomable as G*d's plan for the universe and the human race. Therefore you may be content to remain an unanswerable riddle to others and yourself.

Yet in thoughtful moments you sense that you could be a prophet, agitator, activist, for you are weary of old structures which seem to repress whatever is profound and meaningful in the human spirit. Perhaps while Mercury and Mars are retrograde (the former turning direct April 4) you should let yourself ponder such matters so that your inner self may arrive gradually at answers which cannot be leapt toward but have to be labored toward as a butterfly works out from a chrysalis. Meanwhile, there is beauty in many revelations which come to you.

Where does it all end? is a question billions have pondered through the millennia. Certainly there must be a collective wisdom and "answer" to the question, although at this point I shall not point out my particular routes (for I have more than one, though bundled by One) to the answer. It is certainly important not to lose hope. Despair could be a hurtful undertow.

One can distinguish between what changes continually, the fluctuating scenes, and what remains the same--one's Self or Soul, the Atman, the even-greater and ever-greater Supreme. When anchored to That, life's merry-go-round is not a limbo but a pastime. Wave to those on the other side.

One could be cool and collected, at peace--or too proud. Such pride is a danger, stemming from a desire to get to the answer, the conclusion of one's living and hope, too quickly. A proud man or woman is an unripe fruit, bitter. He or she causes discord unknowingly because unable to bend, smile, and let someone else be what seems inimical but is not. If you accept aid, and we all do, you can let those who offer it (willingly or otherwise) be what they are, gracefully. Otherwise you could be swept away by the winds which break the brittle branch but caress the flexible one.

{Tuesday, Wednesday, early Thursday} {The Easy and Humble Conquer the Harsh}

Cosmic Piper

"We would urge you, brothers, to admonish the careless, encourage the faint-hearted, support the weak, and to be very patient with them all."

"Do not stifle inspiration, and do not despise prophetic utterances, but bring them all to the test and then keep what is good in them and avoid the bad of whatever kind."

"Be always joyful; pray continually; give thanks whatever happens; for this is what God in Christ wills for you."

--St. Paul, I Thessalonians 5: 14, 19-22, 16-18 (New English Bible)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Forecast: Late Saturday, Sunday, Monday, March 24-27, 2012

Sun in Aries and Moon in Taurus, 2012

Beginning Saturday 24 March at 2:44p PT | 5:44p ET | 9:44p UT
through Sunday 25 and Monday 26 March
/moon goes void-of-course Monday at 9:36p PT |12:36a(Tu) ET | 4:36a(Tu) UT
until Luna enters Gemini Tuesday 27 at 3:44a PT | 6:44a ET | 10:44a UT

\The Useable and Useful/

I always have to feel I'm counseling people to be patient while Mercury is retrograde (until April 4). It can be frustrating to feel one is "almost there" in some ways, yet not there. And this might go double because the sun is with Uranus in the first (Mars) impatient decanate of Aries. Finances for most look good because of the grand trine in earth signs, although Venus is separating from it gradually. Whether this means a pause in the upward momentum of the stock market, I do not claim to know--as said frequently, I do not know how to predict the market's rise and fall and doubt that any astrologer does. "Too many variables" has to be the excuse, and I know that is disappointing for anyone who wants to get rich quick.

Perhaps Final Cause (the Will of Deity) prevents us from seeing how to do that through Formal Cause (the sciences of astrology, numerology, palmistry, cabalistic convergence, and so on). My guess is that the upward momentum of the economy shall continue, no matter how it may pause or slip back at times, because in less than a month the sun will join the aforesaid Grand Trine to make up for Venus's absence. Further, as of this period Venus (having a lot to do with financial fortunes) is sole dispositor of the seven anciently known planets. Even if stock prices should go down temporarily, I believe people will feel their personal economies to be in solid shape.

Because I have seen it to be reliable, I repeat my usual advice: Think, plan, develop strategies and tentative possibilities, but hold back somewhat from decisive implementation of them until Mercury goes direct (April 4) or even until the next Bright Hermetic Epoch of two months begins (April 23). Then you will be more sure of your conclusions.

However, old business, things which have been postponed and are necessary, can be handled well during this time. (Taxes could be one of them. Just now the mailman complained that the name on the mailbox was getting faded and unreadable, also the name was missing on the inside of the box, so I have to fix both. Another example of "old business," or "old trivia," which comes up at these times. Earlier today I had a phone call from someone who requires a verification of my new address. Ugh. More Mercury-retrograde backtracking, which in this case means a transaction delayed for a week).

More happily, reviewing the past and reviving old connections and friendships, internally or externally, is likewise favored. You may wonder what these relationships or connections mean and what they mean to the other person. Such doubt is normal. Good will and prayer are cures for interpersonal tension.

During this period you are restlessly seeking. What, is up to you, but the goal will keep changing so that you go hither and yon physically and mentally. Sometimes it would be better to stay home and do something useful there which you will enjoy. It gives a boost to morale when you organize possessions in living quarters. You can cut out some things or rearrange them.

What are the assumptions under which you labor? Some of them could be wrong (paragraphs 1 and 2). When you "review" things (one of the "re"trograde activities), look out for assumptions which could be mistaken. Further information could correct some blind spot of which you are unaware. It's easier to admit a mistake to oneself than to someone else. You can't injure your own pride unless you choose to. You could be proud of catching a probable error before it makes more trouble.

It's important to remember that ordinary labor is as useful as high-flying entrepreneurship. How could the entrepreneur do anything without the laborers at the "lowest" level, who actually get his products or services in commercial shape? We all serve others or ourselves, sometimes, at the level of drudgery. Such industry is strengthening to self-worth.

As for diversions, there could be plenty of those. You may bounce back and forth from work to diversions. Your purposes are serious, yet the cosmos provides entertainment along the way.

You may need to "get your hands dirty" rather than supervise people somewhat arrogantly. A boss or supervisor may feel he or she is in danger because of labor relations, that is, his or her ability to treat subordinates fairly yet firmly. Maybe you are the only one who can perceive that certain things need to be done. That is fine, so long as you don't come off as arrogant or demeaning.

Your home and yard, or neighborhood, are worth attention. You can put the natural world to sterling use. Beekeepers and gardeners, farmers and others in the green are preparing to utilize the earth's Spring season to the full. That spells gain through fruitful activity rather than mere luck.

{Late Saturday, Sunday, Monday} /The Useable and Useful\

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Forecast: Thursday, Friday, early Saturday, March 22-24, 2012

Sun in Aries and Moon in Aries, 2012

Beginning Thursday 22 at 2:58a PT | 5:58a ET | 9:58a UT
through Friday 23 March
/moon goes void-of-course Saturday 24 at 10:18a PT | 1:18p ET | 5:18p UT
until Luna enters Taurus Saturday at 2:44p PT | 5:44p ET | 9:44p UT

*Life-Vector at Poise*

As we meander through the Mercury-retrograde period (until April 4) we are feeling optimistic yet somewhat held back from expressing optimism in bold action. That is good because probably our plans need further development before implementation.

The New
Moon (Thursday at 7:38a PT | 10:38a ET | 2:38p UT) grants a good deal of optimism and probably luck. One feels "ready for anything" whether or not one is really prepared for "anything." There are restraining influences which could squelch some of that initially unrestrained hope, and that makes it more determined and desperate, so that one could become disagreeable, insisting that one must be the first among rivals. That is a natural boy-adolescent desire, Aries in sum. As a matter of fact, you might be building yourself up to a position of eminence. This will be more evident on Thursday; by Friday there are questions about it and a need to hunker down to basics. Your time is coming, but sometimes the ram on the mountain has to stand still surveying the landscape and the rest of the flock.

Another trend is more socially facilitative--harmonious and hopeful, graceful and sympathetic. You find reciprocity with those close enough to you in interests and aspirations to share the implicit vector of your life-direction. We all want companions who are "birds of a feather" and rarely find them. Sometimes this can happen in fantasy life (whether dreaming, day-dreaming, reading or viewing films) before it happens in actuality, the former evoking the latter as if by magic.

Anyone, female or male, who has felt restrained or hemmed in, enslaved or misused, is likely to be smarting and trying to manifest freedom directly or indirectly. Someone in an institution or a harem has to do that mostly indirectly, yet the urge to freedom will out one way or another. The figurative "harem" is an enslaving or abusive relationship. This could involve you, someone close to you, or both.

Whatever that has been, there are both negative and positive influences pushing it toward resolution of one sort or another. You might recall what has been said here about the past two years, the period of Jupiter's opposition with Saturn, making for major life-change for each individual. Can you look back and sense what that has been for you? Even if you can't define it in so many words (although that might help), you could get the drift of it. You are seeing things differently now than two years ago. Likewise, anyone with whom you are involved as friend or partner.

There has been a big push for freedom, ruggedness and experiment, rusticity, heart-richness, generosity. There has been also an opposite tendency to ridicule, scorn, or belittle people, especially some important to you. Perhaps you are seeing how self-defeating that is. You see how others justly or unjustly do the same to you. Contempt is a very unlovely human vice. Some cast it toward mate, child, parent, even G*d. After it works its mischief, we may remember and learn, and resolve to understand rather than contemn, be flexible in our awareness of who people are and are trying to be rather than rigidly judgmental. This might be specially important late Friday and Saturday.

The one who learns from mistakes is the one who recovers from them.

{Thursday, Friday, early Saturday} *Life-Vector at Poise*

Cosmic Piper

"A man may think he is always right,
but the Lord fixes a standard for the heart."
"Persevere in right conduct and loyalty
and you shall find life and honour."
"A horse may be made ready for the day of battle,
but victory comes from the Lord."
--Proverbs 21: 2, 21, 31

Monday, March 19, 2012

Forecast: Late Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, March 19-21

Sun in Aries and Moon in Pisces, 2012

Beginning Monday 19 March at 5:06p PT | 8:06p ET | 12:06a(Tu) UT
through Tuesday 20 March
/moon goes void-of-course Wednesday 21 at 1:40a PT | 4:40a ET | 8:40a UT
until Luna enters Aries Thursday 22 at 2:58a PT | 5:58a ET | 9:58a UT

~Preparing a Spring~

Watch out for the whole day of moon void-of-course, Wednesday. Good for easygoing things and usual routines. Not good for anything speculative, doubtful, or dangerous. For example, if doing taxes, go ahead on Wednesday if you wish but then double-check everything after the moon enters Aries and is no longer void-of-course (Thursday after the time given).

People feel Spring springing, and that is good. The inner optimism may not have a clear outer channel, because we are in the final days of the Old Moon. Yet Tuesday should be a good social day, and also for income or finances. I would say, do and enjoy as much as you can Tuesday and let things go on Wednesday, except for routine work and the like.

Working for others and oneself is not the same as having ambition to rise above others and oneself. The former is favored now.

However, you feel randy, strong, ready to take on the world, a gift of Aries the sign of Mars and the Ram. Enjoy and savor that feeling, sensing how it will work out (better after Mercury turns direct on April 4, most likely). Trying to manifest that energy and optimism prematurely could bring disappointment.

Others also feel randy and tough, so there is the possibility of strife. Well, competition is fine, rather than violence in acts or feelings. Everyone has a chance to win some contest, while losing or forgoing others. Your special skill is yours to use and win by; you don't have to worry about the rest.

Some may feel angry and hurtful. People or animals could be the brunt of their anger. (We have had too much of that lately.) Farm animals, on the huge agribusiness so-called "farms," factory farms, are horribly mistreated, to the point of torture. This ought not to be happening in a nation of those who claim to love animals. If you eat the corpses of animals, or feed them to your pet, you might want to contact and support Farm Sanctuary. Also it might be good to tell NPR you want information about the conditions on factory farms and how animals there are treated.

Learning new things, as a child to whom the world is fresh, as if for the first time, is wonderful. You may have assistance in doing that, and give assistance. Life is a cooperative project we are learning together.

Many of your thoughts may be brilliant, and you are using your mental powers in amazing ways, although the world may not know what you are doing and you are wise enough not to try to explain. While Mercury is retrograde, it is hard enough to understand oneself and one's inner processes (as in dreams) without asking anyone else to do so.

Beginning with the next period, which includes the New Moon early on, more definite and practical things may have a greener light: while the earth, its buds and flora, become greener.

{Late Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday} Preparing a Spring

Cosmic Piper

"Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me. Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child."
--Psalm 131: 1-2

Friday, March 16, 2012

Forecast: Saturday, Sunday, Monday, March 17-19

Sun in Pisces and Moon in Aquarius, 2012

Beginning Saturday 17 March at 9:13a PT | 12:13p ET | 4:13p UT
through Sunday 18 March
/moon goes void-of-course Monday 19 at 1:32p PT | 4:32p ET | 8:32p UT
until Luna enters Pisces Monday at 5:06p PT | 8:06p ET | 12:06a(Tu) UT

}Spiritual and Natural Culture{

When otherwise easy aspects seem harsh, one suspects factors such as Mercury being retrograde. We are in its retrograde cycle and as pointed out endlessly, things get complex or confusing at those times. One backtracks, gets involved in old things, old methods, old memories. I am re-trying astrological methods I worked with years ago and salvaging what is good in them. Others in other fields are doing the same.

As said in the latest report, Neptune in Pisces for the next thirteen years favors spiritistic communications. This is doubled when Mercury is retrograde (until April 4). People turn to old connections and to the ever-living "dead." I had two very vivid dreams in the past 24 hours which felt strongly like real connections with people passed from this world who were important to me. Describing them here would be too personal, but they were intense, convincing, and moving. Psychic phenomena always increase in the Dark Hermetic Epoch.

Working out your finances is favored. The grand trine in earth signs is favoring that. Whatever has not been done can be done. Some of us may be mapping out tax returns. Others will link with individuals who could be good for their careers.

Techniques, thoughts, writings are important. Sunday could be a good day for a church service or spiritual meeting. St Patrick's Day, Saturday, need not be a drunken brawl but can be elevating with or without a modicum of brew.

"Sorting" is a good word for some of what happens when Mercury is retrograde. I was sorting through boxes of papers to find a document I needed. No such luck; I have to send away for it. I spent hours today sorting through old astrological techniques. I spoke with an old friend and that was reassuring.

We have gotten through what appears to have been the worst of the emotional storm many experienced, the epicenter of which was the killings in Afghanistan last Sunday. In my life this was harshness in personal relations, continued through Monday and the rest of the week but lessening as I write and probably better on the weekend. You have faced a conflict and learned something from it. Let us hope the healing is proceeding.

The changes happening in your career inspire you to find a sort of mechanical expertise, a way of doing things based on a rulebook or set of principles and schedules. That can be helpful when taken, as all such things need to be taken, with a grain of salt, yet used to the hilt because it is a helpful framework.

Nature is starting to become friendlier (in the Northern Hemisphere), and being out in it can develop your psychic capacities. We relate to television, computers, and books rather than to trees, water-courses, plants, clouds, and stars (including the sun). A little of the latter might help your inner life.

At times while Mercury is retrograde an absolute stillness is wonderful. It can be while you sleep or any time of the day you can be free of social interaction, isolated peacefully. Letting go is a way of tuning in to what destiny has prepared for you if you remain true to highest ideals.

Gardening or caring for growing things is emphasized again. This could be the time for it.

Looking into or designing the future is easier when you are reconciled as much as you can be to the best factors in your past.

Isolated moods have a function, drawing you closer to your inner spiritual source. Then you emerge out of worries with peace in your heart.

We all have a core of wisdom which others appreciate. We do not have to speak much to display sagacity; it oozes out when we are at peace with all. They will be drawn to what we share wordlessly by thoughts, gestures, facial expressions, our natural being. That does not mean we may not have gained such poise through study and spiritual culture.

{Saturday, Sunday, Monday} {Spiritual and Natural Culture}

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Forecast: Thursday, Friday, early Saturday, March 15-17

Sun in Pisces and Moon in Capricorn, 2012

Beginning Thursday 15 March at 3:25a PT | 6:25a ET | 10:25p UT
through Friday 16 March
/moon goes void-of-course Saturday 17 at 6:02a PT | 9:02a ET | 1:02p UT
until Luna enters Aquarius Saturday at 9:13a PT | 12:13p ET | 4:13p UT

\Satisfying Experiment/

As a rule of thumb, Thursday this time looks better for most purposes than Friday, whether for business or social pleasures.

With the moon in Capricorn there is shrewdness and realism. This might tend somewhat toward the morose or depressing on Friday.

The grand trine in earth signs is joined by the moon, so the good business climate should continue or improve (whatever the stock market, so far blooming under this configuration, may do).

The occult influence of Neptune in Pisces, where it shall be for another thirteen years (it began on February 3), may become noticeable in interesting ways. Do you have an invisible guide or playmate, friend or teacher? How can we connect with the "dead" or have telepathic contact with them or those embodied? Interest in such subjects will increase over the next decade.

Whatever farming or gardening means to you, it could be valuable to get involved with it. I hear that some in Greece, in order to recover from its disastrous slide, are turning to working the soil, establishing a fresh agricultural side to the nation's economy. The grand trine in earth signs favors this, and Mars in Virgo (to early July). Also, dietary theories and experiments.

The restlessness of Mercury conjoined to Uranus in the first decanate of Aries can be a good kind of restlessness, spurring you to discover friends, connections, and improved methods of working. At times it may seem too much, so that you need rest mentally and physically.

Then the rest could itself become a form of vice, if it leads to gross fulfillment of appetites, a danger of the otherwise excellent grand trine. The March issue of Harper's has a superb article on fasting which many would find extremely revealing. What I learned from it, in essence, is that I can eat much much less and be stronger and healthier. (The author of the well-researched article fasted for forty days and reports his experience in an encouraging way.)

Originality and experiment are good, and likely to go in ways you wouldn't have expected while Mercury is retrograde. That period (to April 4 but also beyond) can be good for quite wild experiment arising from the subconscious or even the superconscious. Whatever your field, a "beyond the box" attitude facilitates discovery and creativity. (But I must repeat the usual Mercury-retrograde warning: Beware of ending things, such as a job or relationship, just because they are difficult. The new does not replace the old but supplements it.)

At worst, on Friday (extending into Saturday) you might feel that some reversal of your plans and hopes is hard to face. This is a matter of being sure you are going in the best direction. The seeming "reversal" is a matter not of succumbing but of overcoming.

There is beauty to be appreciated, in nature and humanity and its creations. There can be happy reciprocity with people you like, effortless and spontaneous, especially on Thursday, continuing into the evening.

{Thursday, Friday and early Saturday} /Satisfying Experiment\

Cosmic Piper

Monday, March 12, 2012

Forecast: Tuesday and Wednesday, March 13-14, 2012

Sun in Pisces and Moon in Sagittarius, 2012

Beginning Tuesday 13 March at
11:55p(M) PT | 2:55a ET | 6:55a UT
through Wednesday 14
/moon goes void-of-course Thursday 15 at 12:35a PT | 3:35a ET | 7:35a UT
until Luna enters Capricorn Thursday at 3:25a PT | 6:25a ET | 10:35a UT


I am writing this while the moon is void-of-course (Monday) and on the first day of Mercury Retrograde (until April 4). I would guess that you, like me, have found Monday slower than usual, with more problems, trivial hassles, and interruptions. It is sheer will-power, and belief in the value of what I am doing, which keeps me going. Otherwise I would succumb to a desire to let go and just relax, as probably many would like to do. I do not think that my writing this while the moon is void will invalidate all I say (!), but I leave that judgement to you and G*d. All we can do is try, retrograde or direct, void or not. I hope Tuesday and Wednesday will be somewhat easier for all of us.

The tragic and disgusting murders in Afghanistan, by "one of ours" (if you happen to be an American), are on my mind. They happened while the moon was in Scorpio and in the Via Combusta. The moon was in that portion of the zodiac on the first day of the American invasion of Iraq also. It is an ominous position. But what am I to do? Repeat an ominous and disturbing warning every month when that happens? I have more respect for my readers than to be nanny-ing them with "be careful, watch out, take precautions, don't do anything rash" every time the moon is in the Via Combusta. I do warn about it in other ways every month. In this case, the soldier or soldiers responsible definitely needed that strong advice. If you re-read the report for Sunday and Monday, you will see the warnings.

The day of the killings was also the next-to-last day of Venus's opposition with Saturn. As I have said repeatedly, it is an aspect of "nobody loves me, they deserve to suffer." Well, see what that did to at least one soldier (who had had 11 years of military experience) and to his victims, and see, as I have always known, that Venus aspects affect males as much as females. Probably violence against women occurs more often when Venus is square, conjoined to or opposed to Saturn. Some day the statistics will come out. These murders also occurred while Mercury was slowing down to no motion at all, near its station (from geocentric perspective as always), that is, at a dark turning point of the Dark Hermetic Epoch. I warn every time, every four months, about how this period of "mental darkness" if you wish to term it that beclouds people's judgment. Not entirely, of course. Pray more often and more devoutly if you wish to avoid mistakes such as that soldier's (or those soldiers'). (The DHE continues not just to April 4, though it improves then, but to April 23.)

Good things can develop during this period. There is some disappointment that one's harvest of gains or income is less than one had hoped, yet there remains hope that it will improve. If one's motives are pure and good, one has won a victory whether or not that is evident in material affairs and business.

There is much mental flexibility and ingenuity. You can see into the mathematical calculations which will help you prosper. You sense how to improve your work by keeping your mind active in revealing and productive channels. Someone you know and like, or someone you meet as a promising new associate, has a similar tendency, which can aid you.

Mercury being retrograde does not impede mental activity, always, but makes it fertile in surprising ways, off-handed, or off the usual path. So if you trust a part of you which wants to wander through the thought-world in its own way, you may turn into fascinating vistas. If nobody appreciates these but yourself, that could change in some future.

The ancient and some modern East Indians, with their yogic techniques, understand how to let the mind wander yet return to a point of focus and faith. This is called mantra, japa, or meditation depending on the technique. That you might do, to give a tithe to Mercury being retrograde, one might say, and find that rather than dulling your intellect the practice revives your thinking and puts it on fresh tracks which turn out to be profitable. (But one ought not to do it for that purpose, but to offer oneself to the Supreme.)

The intellectual and the mechanical are somehow linked together (as they are, for example, constantly in the use of technology as an intellectual tool rather than master). That helps you see beyond the darkness of the Dark Epoch, which is a good epoch for dreams, but we need to keep ourselves awake a good deal of the time as well.

One can be aggressive in proper directions without being hurtful. Aggressively defending someone is a possibility, or oneself when that will also help others.

You do not have to get lost in speculations about other people's habits, that is, gossip, but you might find some of that delicious. We can see into people's peccadilloes while Mercury is square Pluto. You might enjoy seeing how absurd people have acted. That is the basis of most humor, as in situation comedies. We laugh partly because we like to feel superior to someone acting foolishly, partly because we recognize others and ourselves in the foolish one and there is a flash of insight which forgives, while laughing, because it partially understands.

Self-indulgence could be a danger, although the grand trine in earth signs is a good thing. If it is debased it can be laziness and trusting to luck and becoming sleepily decadent. Let's have none of that!--or, shall we say, just enough of it.

{Tuesday and Wednesday} *Flexibility*

Cosmic Piper

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Forecast: Sunday and Monday, March 11-12, 2012

Sun in Pisces and Moon in Scorpio, 2012

Beginning late Saturday 10 March at 9:25p PT | 12:25a(Su) ET | 5:25a(Su) UT
through Sunday 11 and Monday 12 March
/moon goes void-of-course Monday at 11:31a PT | 2:31p ET | 6:31p UT
until Luna enters Sagittarius late Monday-early Tuesday
at 11:55p(M) PT | 2:55a(T) ET | 6:55a(T) UT
(All times are given in Daylight Time beginning on Sunday at 2 a.m.)

~Smooth Shifting of Gears~

By several indications, Monday may be smoother than Sunday, although you might note that the moon goes void-of-course mid-day Monday (depending on time zone, see above).

The grand trine in earth signs I have been pointing out for weeks is at its peak this week. Business and economic news has pretty much verified that this is a good time for finances for most people, so whatever your problems in that area, you may be finding solutions.

Mercury turns retrograde Monday at 12:50a PT | 3:50a ET | 7:50a UT. We have discussed this over and over through the years so I will not repeat what I have said at this moment. To summarize, things get weird, things are misplaced, timing is off, schedules are forced to change, people are late, and so on. Machines or computers seem to fail or go wacky. However, all this can be modified and there seems to be general good fortune so you can be ready for all those things and make a joke of them as best you can. The upside is that the inner life, the life of the mind and spirit, is emphasized. That is partly why outer things get mixed up: people are attending more to internal than external signals and interests. You will notice this on Sunday also because the Dark Hermetic Epoch (beginning before and extending after the Mercury Retrograde cycle of about three weeks) has been with us since February 27. The heart of it, the retrograde cycle, ends by April 4.

Caution is to be exercised in any situation in which accidents are possible.

Those who seek peace are your stalwart friends whoever they may be, and are helping to hold the world together by their confidence in the ultimate victory of the Good.

There is mental restlessness, with Mercury conjoined to Uranus in Aries. This can be fascinating, a search or quest, a chase for what interests you in any direction. Because Mercury is stationary, this could be surprising, along paths or pathless routes which open your mind in fresh ways.

On the side of conscience, there is concern for those ill or otherwise suffering, with Mars retrograde in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces. People's extreme needs get your attention and you could enlist in some project which helps. The social aspect of the work would make it not drudgery but pleasing once you get started.

The fact that things are relatively easy for most of us need not blunt your desire to be exacting of yourself along idealistic or altruistic lines. Your mother or other ancestors are with you encouraging and supporting such attempts.

Speculating and trying remarkable things in your job or career, or a project which identifies you, is good. True, some of what you try will not work as expected but the attempt can still be worth while because of what you learn from it. A really extreme new direction, such as quitting a job, is not, however, recommended at all while Mercury is retrograde.

If Monday has lackadaisical moments, this has something to do with the "gear shifting" which Mercury retrograde always signifies. You can take your time along certain less important lines and refuse to be harried, because steady progress along more worthwhile lines is more to your advantage.

{Sunday and Monday} ~Smooth Shifting of Gears~

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Forecast: Friday and Saturday, March 9-10, 2012

Sun in Pisces and Moon in Libra, 2012

Beginning Thursday 8 March at 8:51p PT | 11:51p ET | 4:51a(F) UT
through Friday 9 March
/moon goes void-of-course Saturday 10 at 7:10p PT | 10:10p ET | 3:10a(Su) UT
until Luna enters Sagittarius Saturday at 9:25p PT | 12:25a(Su) ET | 5:25a(Su) UT


As happened week, it seems Friday is better for social events, parties, dates or fun than Saturday, although Saturday can also be very good if a certain amount of wise reserve is exercised. In fact, this looks like an excellent period, despite the fact that the moon will be in the Via Combusta and nearing Saturn on Saturday.

Many individuals' anxieties will be being relieved, because while the two oppositions we have discussed are diminishing gradually, the grand trine in earth signs is strengthening. So there could be exhilaration.

Something about work or a project shared with a friend seems to be destined to come to crisis or fruition, depending on your decision about it. As mentioned last time, it could be something worth doing, at least experimentally, even if there are a lot of changes in it along the road.

Fascinating, gossipy or revealing insights come to you about other people. Also you get improved technical slants on anything you are trying to accomplish which has a technical side. Crises in people's lives provide depth awareness, so that from their sufferings and healings you derive wisdom.

You may appreciate deeply the teachings and inspirations of a prophet, guru or instructor in the ethical-social-spiritual realm.

The trend toward love we considered in the last report is increasing. You may feel passionately happy about someone. If this is not a deep relationship it is at least an enlivening and uplifting friendship. It if hits shoals on Saturday, that does not wreck it.

Someone chasing adventure in his work, thrilled with the possibilities he is pursuing, has a fanatical or hard side which could disturb you even if he or she is important to you, so trying to understand would be worth while.

Even when you have doubts about younger people, your kindness to them is appreciated and you are happy with what they give in return. A relaxed family feeling springs up between generations.

Purity in all things seems important, for health and for the health of a relationship. People are wanting to be more giving of themselves as soon as trust is established. This can be in more than one location or venue.

Are your purposes defined? Yes and no. You want to wander and pursue dreams. That is wonderful. Another part of you is shrewdly mapping out job, career, or professional goals and methods. But your plans become chaotic, and also more interesting, by dramatically colorful explorations and speculations. This can be messy or verging on the silly, but since it's a weekend, nothing is lost.

You and others, or anyone with whom you connect, are rejoicing in the wealth of their mental plans or hopes and the depth of their comprehension (at least in connection with things they care about). So, again, there can be mutual exhilaration. I hope it is enjoyable and satisfying, even on Saturday when you might wisely pull back in your mind, monitoring everything to make sure it all remains peaceable and reassuring.

{Friday and Saturday} {Exhilaration}

Cosmic Piper

"Think of the lilies: they neither spin nor weave; yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his splendour was not attired like one of these. . . . And so you are not to set your mind on food and drink; you are not to worry. . . . you have a Father who knows that you need them. No, set your mind upon his kingdom, and all the rest will come to you as well."
--Jesus, Luke 12: 27-31 (New English Bible)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Forecast: Late Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 6-8 March, 2012

Sun in Pisces and Moon in Virgo, 2012

Beginning Tuesday 6 March at 7:28p PT | 10:28p ET | 3:28(W) UT
through Wednesday 7 March
/moon goes void-of-course Thursday 8 at 1:41a PT | 4:41a ET | 9:41a UT
until Luna enters Libra Thursday at 8:51p PT | 11:51p ET | 4:51a(F) UT

\Full Gloomy-Hopeful Moon/

This is the Full Moon period. As a rule it would be better to get things done on Wednesday, because the moon goes void-of-course early Thursday (time above) right at the Full Moon. So Thursday (until the late time given) is better for less essential or crucial matters, ordinary routines about which there is no question, plus relaxation when possible.

I need to say that you need to keep your faith up. This may seem like hackneyed advice, but indications are such that you may "misunderestimate" your bright prospects and feel that everything is gloomier than it is. Words of St. Paul might be helpful (Galatians 5:6): ". . . the only thing that counts is faith active in love." I present this for encouragement even if you feel love is far from you.

When will things get better? I will make a stab at an answer: As mentioned a couple weeks ago, Mars and Venus will be in a trine (together with Jupiter and Pluto, a grand trine) March 7 through 20, so that is beginning even now. However, you need to give this aspect time to establish itself. Since we are in a Dark Hermetic Epoch, you may not know how this is going to work out, so you should be prepared for the unexpected (in a good way).

Many are sensing that love is all around them, and rejoicing in that, yet feeling they are nevertheless far from it, "water all around and no drop to drink." The "virginal" side of the moon's presence in Virgo is something like that, a shy coyness. "Wow, what could happen between us! (But let's not push it.)"

You look toward some at a distance who could be companions, or a mate, yet keep your distance.

Yet there is questing, a search which never stops. Not just for companionship but for ways to manifest your talents in your work. It is good to explore, discover, and try various things (temporary error being part of the trial or try-all).

It's the Full Moon, so gloom tends to dissipate, even if it comes back to dissipate again. There is a sense of limitless possibilities despite current restrictions (which may seem overpowering at times).

You are invited to do something with a friend, and have doubts about it. Is this too much to attempt? Will it fizzle and come to nothing? Because of paragraphs 2 and 3, I would say, try and see, be willing to see where it goes. Something in the past has set you up for this. People are unmasking themselves, with some nervousness. If your motives are pure, no harm will befall.

There may be contention. This is not fun but may be an essential part of differences working out, coming to light and helping both sides in a dispute recognize who and what they are. So you need not shrink from it, but moderate it with kindness so it does not go a wrong way.

Any suffering you are enduring has to do with Venus still opposite Saturn and Mars still opposite the sun (though both aspects are diminishing). This is not physical causation (material cause in Aristotle's terms) but formal cause (astrological causation, which is essentially synchronicity or pre-established harmony, understood only by those entering the magical universe. Leibniz described it). If you are hurting (physically or emotionally) you can eliminate the causes of the hurt by examining your actions and, perhaps more, your thoughts and feelings. These are "final or ultimate cause," and few are able really to modify them except by appealing to Highest Cause (a Savior).

Of course you can't eliminate what is an essential part of what you have to do in this life (your dharma). If that brings suffering, it is constructive suffering which turns finally into joy. Better things are emerging.

{Tuesday (late), Wednesday, Thursday} /Full Gloomy-Hopeful Moon\

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Forecast: Late Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, 4-6 March 2012

Sun in Pisces and Moon in Leo, 2012

Beginning Sunday 4 March at 3:19p PT | 6:19p ET | 11:19p UT
through Monday 5 March
/moon goes void-of-course Tuesday 6 at 5:28p PT | 8:28p ET | 1:28A(W) UT
until Luna enters Virgo Tuesday at 7:28p PT | 10:28p ET | 3:28a(W) UT


It could be important to be conciliatory, rather than rash and resentful. This will not make you a door-mat. The sun opposed to Mars retrograde means people are not thinking clearly when they argue or get upset. So even if you are right, you will seem wrong and repellent. Maybe bowing out from the confrontation would be wise, or trying to explain yourself and then dropping it. (Thanks to astrologer Isabel Hickey, who helped me find the right words here.)

The good luck people have been having in fact can make them arrogant, or starting to feel they are invulnerable, and so becoming unfeeling or cruel to others. It's like the rich kid who becomes a bully, with his dad's lawyers on his side. This, of course, has its limits but can work for a while. The opposition of Venus with Saturn makes people feel the weight of the loves and friendships they have lost, so they can become morose and then cruel without realizing what is happening.

There can be a mental sharpness derived from doing your work conscientiously and trying to perfect it. Then you feel rightly proud of yourself. Much remains to be done to bring your talents and skills into line with reality, that is, successful, but you welcome the challenge.

The financial side of things seems to be perking along no matter what you do, that is, by being yourself and doing what is most interesting to you your finances are brought up to speed automatically. So when it seems you don't have enough, that is an illusion. You have enough to proceed with the next step, and the rest will take care of itself.

The hysteria people have felt over national and international banking and finance, and sovereign debts, seems to be receding. Those in power have managed to avoid most of the pitfalls and calm the waves of anxiety, at least for now, and that is reassuring. The same could be true in a friendship or relationship, but more time may be needed for healing (last sentence of paragraph 2).

Turning around and looking at some people as if they were your children might help. In other words, when you start to care about their well-being as if they were your own, you release potentials of goodness in yourself and them, and protect them from whatever might have been a danger. We all need care and protection from a loving Deity. (Those who think they do not might benefit from the first sentence of paragraph 2, which perhaps describes Ayn Rand and her followers.)

There is force--to be used sparingly--and there is diplomacy, to be used generously. It's true that much depends on the situation. If force is required, we are back in the days of endless warfare, which most of us thought could be ended by the 21st century. Perhaps there is hope, even with the radical differences between the Muslim and the Western secular worlds. (Paragraph 1, when applicable.)

{Sunday(late), Monday, Tuesday} *Conciliation*

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Forecast: Friday 2, Saturday 3, early Sunday 4 March 2012

Sun in Pisces and Moon in Cancer, 2012
Beginning Friday 2 March at 7:09a PT | 10:09a ET | 3:09p UT
through Saturday 3 March
/moon goes void-of-course Sunday at 2:18p PT | 5:18p ET | 10:18p UT
until Luna enters Leo Sunday at 3:19p PT | 6:19p ET | 11:19p UT

~Patience in the Long Stretch~

Neither Friday nor Saturday is extremely comfortable for "good times," fun and social interaction, but of the two Friday looks better.

It seems we are being challenged and tested. No one wants to hear that, probably, yet by adhering to what is most solid in your background you can triumph, at least in little ways which are telling.

Material prosperity seems the lot of many or most, even if they feel internally dissatisfied. Those who feel they have less than they used to will nevertheless sense that times are getting better in terms of finances. That does not guarantee they will be happy, because the oppositions of Venus with Saturn and the sun with Mars are at their peak. Together, these are very sobering. In fact, sobriety and patience are salutary keywords.

When some things or people seem intensely disappointing, you might adhere to your family basis, perhaps in memory, going back to some childhood scenes which were uplifting. Those raised in the country may think of farmyard or other rural scenes.

A part of you would perhaps just like to stay home. Whether there or at work, you may notice that things around you are in chaos, including books and papers, while your mind, very fertile, races into fascinating researches or speculations which have little practical relevance or reward. Still, you could get brilliant insights.

The material benefits mentioned in paragraph 3 may come to you almost carelessly, as if you were too lazy to run toward and grab them but rather pulled them toward you in a slipshod manner. So they may seem inadequate; yet sufficient for now.

Although there could be strong sentiment, with sun and moon in water signs, and a longing for something in the past, the tough side of things may make you somewhat bitter, as if life's disappointments were overbearing. Yet the gentility in your background holds you steady when you trust its validity and support.

Long patient labor may not seem alien to you, even if at first you would prefer easier paths. Think of the pioneer founder of a colony who has to labor hard to build a village where there was only a forest. One part of you does not reject such long-term challenging ambition but welcomes it.

Another part of you wants easier paths and can find them, playing a role of support, generosity, and beneficence. Those virtues are now under strain (by the aspects already mentioned), so if you can maintain them, not losing your cool ability to sustain morale in others, you will be favored and rewarded.

{Friday, Saturday, early Sunday} ~Patience in the Long Stretch~

Cosmic Piper