Monday, July 25, 2011

Forecast for Tuesday 26 July 2011

Tuesday 26 July 2011

}Holding Out for Eventual Cooperation{

It's essential to maintain morale, however you can do that, so as to keep in touch with your destiny rather than feel that you have "lost it" somehow. Cooperation with those at "the top" in whatever situation that may be is not easy, yet you may have a knack for it, and possibly for escaping from the situation with "the goods" you seek, or a favorable decision.

Some chilly or bleak conditions in connection with your home or living conditions are another challenge to keep morale high and hope for adroit developments which help you retain poise. Ordering material factors efficiently helps in every way. What are the values you are wanting to make attractive to some close to you, or whom you wish to be close, or with whom you must cooperate? There is too much disagreement about contradictory values, yet by steering a caring middle path you will get respect and perhaps eventually action.

You could develop partnerships in a circumspect way by being alert to ways of "capturing" those who are needed or desired. Appealing to their vanity might be a low trick, or not, but it could be effective if not dishonest. Everybody needs to feel he or she is respected and has a position generally recognized. At worst, you may feel you are in a brawl, with all jumping to conclusions and blaming others without due deliberation. Who is the victim? Yourself, another, or both? Or can you save a possible victim? We have to start realizing it is not necessary for some to be bound in order for others to be free (except in the rare case of sociopaths who cannot live harmlessly in society).

{Tuesday} {Holding Out for Eventual Cooperation}

Cosmic Piper

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