Monday, June 20, 2011

Forecast for Tuesday 21 June 2011

Tuesday 21 June 2011

~The Tentative yet Persistent Approach~

Happy Summer Solstice! We call this the sign of Cancer, the crab, but that does not require you to be crabby.

There is enough sympathy and summer confidence in the air so you do not have to be annoyed by the Grand Square we are all facing, although it is wise to keep truckin' so you are not crushed by it. There is a mental sharpening with Mercury square Saturn, a determination to get to the bottom of things rather than be evasive or uncertain.

You can adapt yourself to business conditions by playing your cards well, and making sure no one else sees them. You are mastering the timing of moves.

Strife and harshness are in evidence. Someone's bark is worse than his or her bite. He or she has a subconscious desire to overturn everything, including you, but if you are patient and savvy you will not succumb to the temptation to make things worse with a flame-scene. This particular animal can be tamed through soothing rather than force.

Inner steadiness, or faith, allows you to keep on taking advantage of profitable trends.

Being by yourself is fine when there is no advantage in pursuing social contacts. Some of these, however, are likely to be inevitable, so within them you can maintain composure from arm's length when that is best.

It is wonderful to feel secure within someone's beneficence. This person is true to you no matter what because he or she has discerned your solid character. You may confer a similar favor on someone else who has become real to you.

When curious about scenes you haven't visited, you could do so without major indecision if you listen to your heart and reason at the same time. They may disagree, but at that moment you can be master by rising above both, and finding an acceptable reconciliation. This ought not to take much time or you would miss something. After that, if an inner voice warns that you are wasting time, you probably are. But you learned something.

Whatever is unprofitable can be dismissed, unless it is something you just have to do by a necessity of your nature. Then there is profit in it, even if not monetary. Drudging labor is sometimes essential. While doing it you may be indignant at someone who has been unfair to you, you think. Probably so. Staying involved in community projects or service would help you rise above pain or dreariness to something fulfilling.

{Tuesday} ~The Tentative yet Persistent Approach~

Cosmic Piper

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